[fab] cdrecord licensing and alternatives

Rahul sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Sat Aug 19 03:51:53 UTC 2006


We still potentially have problems despite reverting back to a older 
version of cdrecord before the relicensing of some parts of it into CDDL.


cdrecord versions 2.01a36 (circa 2004) and above has added restrictions 
incompatible with the GPL license.  The resulting mess is probably a GPL 
violation and not redistributable at all.

This is a old issue and we have some possible solutions to this problem. 
DVD-R tools is a fork of the code before this restriction was added.


There is also libburn+ assorted set of commands such as cdrskin, 
genisofs which are drop in replacements for cdrecord, mkisofs 
respectively available at http://libburn.pykix.org


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