Mono - rfc for future developments

Paul paul at
Mon Sep 8 17:48:07 UTC 2008


I've just been notified that RC1 of Mono is due to be tagged today at
some point with RC2 (final) on the 10th. Given the date difference of
only 2 days, I'll be packaging Mono 2.0 for rawhide.

Future plans.

Currently the mono stack for Fedora is a bit of a mess over the three
versions available. What I'm proposing for future mono/libgdiplus
releases is this.

Mono 2.0 is released on the 10th and packaged for rawhide
Mono 1.9.1 is then released on F9

The stack is then rebuilt to cover gtk-sharp2 et al so that by the end
of the process rawhide is one version ahead of core.

When Mono 2 becomes 2.9, version 2 is released onto core and so on.
This, in theory, should kill the problems experienced with the likes of
monodevelop in core. It also means that core is operating on the stable

An alternative is that after a couple of months proving on rawhide, the
rawhide version is pushed to core.

Comments on this are welcome either on or off list.


(looking for work so has a bit of time to spare to such activities)
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