FC5 - Logwatch reports stopped

Don Russell fedora at drussell.dnsalias.com
Fri May 12 19:31:07 UTC 2006

On 5/12/2006 9:30 AM, Ed Kim wrote:

> hmm... have you tried to run 'logwatch --debug 100'
> hopefully, it'll pinpoint where it's failing..

I tried that but no error messages were produced.

Then I used 'logwatch --debug 100 > some.file

Which produced a little over 300K of stuff for me to go through...

I'm not hopeful. :-(

Well... I don't see anything obvious like 'Error xxx aborting....'

The first time it failed was the night following the day I began using 

I have several external e-mail accounts that I used to forward to my own 
smtp server. For reasons I won't go into now, I turned off that 
forwarding, and set up fetchmail to retrieve things from different 
places and deliver it my me via smtp on the local machine... no smtp 

At one point I did run fetchmail from root, because I was thinking of 
pulling mail like that for more than one user, and rather than 
individual .fetchmailrc files, just use one.

Anyway, I'm not doing that anymore.. I have a single .fetchmailrc file 
for one user... it's working great.

The only e-mail I'm not getting is the Logwatch report. :-(


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