FC5, Another unhappy camper

Stephen Mirowski spmirowski at shaw.ca
Sun May 14 00:17:25 UTC 2006

Craig White wrote:
>> I believe, submitting bug reports can be discouraging.  Open source, 
>> commercial, whatever.   Look through lists of bug reports, across 
>> various projects, that have no responses whatsoever by debuggers or 
>> developers.  The submitter is then asking, has anyone even read this?  A 
>> simple response such as "I can't reproduce this" is enough of an 
>> acknowledgement to show the submitter that their input is valued.
> ----
> did you have an example or is this just a generalized grip with no
> specificity?
> Craig
I missed the beginning of this thread, so I probably went OT.  Anyways, 
I don't want to go into this too much, as I could write a book on this 
topic on my experiences commercial tech support and commerical/foss bug 

I could be an example.  I do browse other bug reports on projects and 
find them unanswered and unassigned.  I have unanswered ones.  I can't 
remember if anyone replied to my Nautilus (FC4) bug, but after 9 months 
of being up I just deleted/cancelled it. At least it doesn't exist in 
FC5.  Rejection and insult if often received when submitting a bug to a 
commercial giant. 


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