5.7.153. Bugzilla::Extension::DependentProducts NAME

Bugzilla::Extension::DependentProducts DESCRIPTION

Dependent Products allows you to track when bugs in one product has an impact on another product.

e.g. The version of Java shipped in an operating system may impact middlewar in another product. Configuration and Environment

Dependent (Affected) Products

Dependent products is cotrolled on the product administration page for the product which is not shipping the package.

e.g. If middleware J is dependent on packages in platform R, then to flag bugs in R as affecting J, you would go to the administration page for middleware J and add R to the list labeled “This product depends on:”

A product can depend on multiple other products.

There are three conact fields for this section, (Dev Managers, Product Managers, QE Managers) they take a comma separated list of email address to email when a bug in another product is flagged as affecting this product.

Parent (Affecting) Products

There are two fields on the parent product page related to dependent products.

  • Notify for dependent bugs

This field takes a comma separated list of people replated to the parent product who will be notified wehen any bug is flagged as affecting a dependent product.

e.g. If a bug in product R is flagged as affecting middleware J, then the people listed in this field on product R will be notified.

  • Visibility group for field
This field limits the users who can see the Dependent Product drop down on bugs in this product. Author

Jeff Fearn <jfearn@redhat.com>

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