Linux users want better desktop performance (Screw data. Prioritize code)

James Wilkinson fedora at
Sat Feb 21 14:53:29 UTC 2009

Tom Horsley wrote:
> The "prelinker" is enabled by default because one group of
> geeks want their shared libs to load 10 nanoseconds faster
> (while using 45 hours of cpu in a cron job to achieve that),
> meanwhile the security geeks enable address space randomization
> by default, thus insuring that everything the prelinker does
> will be for naught because none of the libs will ever load
> at the prelinked address.

    In an attempt to restore some of the benefits of address space
    randomization, prelink is capable of randomly selecting the
    addresses used for prelinking. This makes it more difficult to
    perform certain attacks on a system, because the addresses used are
    unique to that system. 

In other words, prelinking does address space randomization on a
per-system basis.

Or so I understand – if you have any other sources, I’d be interested to
hear them. This comes from a reputable source and matches my

Hope this helps,


E-mail:     james@ | “My aunt’s camel has fallen in the mirage.” |     -- “Soul Music”, Terry Pratchett.

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