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Online group skills assessment

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Flexible options for
Red Hat exams

Via remote access

Red Hat’s new remote exams bring flexibility to your certification journey by allowing you to take our performance-based tests from your own home.

At your location

In addition to on-site training options, you can also certify six or more employees at your location, with technical assistance to ensure your venue is prepared.

At an individual exams testing station

Remotely monitored by a Red Hat test proctor, a personal testing station offers the full functionality required to take the exam in a secure manner.

The Red Hat Learning Subscription has been a powerful asset. Training courses that I’ve taken so far have been very significant in my career.
I learned everything I know from Red Hat.

– Fabrice Harbulot
DevOps leader and cloud engineer (RHCA®, RHCE®, RHCSA®)
Red Hat Certified Professional of the Year 2020