What if you could automate all sorts of basic tasks, such as responding to user administration requests, checking file system utilization, or responding to service ticket enrichment requests? How much time would you save to focus on key innovations and priorities?
Event-Driven Ansible® is a new, developer preview—offered as open source at no cost. It will help you reduce rote tasks so you can focus on innovation, while also reducing the need for extended work days.
We invite you join us to help shape this new technology, whether you are an end customer or a software vendor.
In this office hours session, we’ll:
- Explain how to get started with Event-Driven Ansible.
- Explore tips and techniques.
- Gather your feedback so we can shape a solution that better meets your needs.
- Help our ecosystem partners create integrated solutions so that joint customers can go from events generated in partner tools to automated actions based on those events.
- Help our ecosystem partners create integrated solutions, such as events.
- Answer your questions as you try Event-Driven Ansible.
Live-event dates:
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 | 11 a.m. ET
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 | 11 a.m. ET
Joe Pisciotta
Principal Product Manager, Ansible Automation Platform, Red Hat
Nuno Martins
Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Ansible Automation Platform, Red Hat
Colin McNaughton
Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Ansible Automation Platform, Red Hat