Application Developer*

Course code

AD183- Red Hat Application Development I: Programming in Java EE

Course description

Helping Java SE developers write Java EE applications.

Red Hat Application Development I: Programming in Java EE (AD183) exposes experienced Java Standard Edition (Java SE) developers to the world of Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE).

This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Application Platform 7.0.

In this course, you will learn about the various specifications that make up Java EE. Through hands-on labs, you will transform a simple Java SE command line application into a multi-tiered enterprise application using various Java EE specifications, including Enterprise Java Beans, Java Persistence API, Java Messaging Service, JAX-RS for REST services, Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI), and JAAS for securing the application.

Course content summary

  • Generating multi-tiered Java EE applications.
  • Packaging and deploying Java EE applications.
  • Creating Enterprise Java Beans, including message-driven beans.
  • Managing persistence.
  • Creating REST services with JAX-RS.
  • Implementing Contexts and Dependency Injection.
  • Creating messaging applications with JMS.
  • Securing Java EE applications with JAAS.


  • Proficiency in developing Java SE applications, with 2+ years of experience required
  • Proficiency in using an IDE such as Red Hat Developer Studio or Eclipse
  • Experience with Maven is recommended but not required


  • B.Tech. / BCA/B.Sc. (CS/IT) with academic project experience of developing Java SE applications

Course outcomes

As a result of attending this course, you should be able to describe most of the specifications in Java EE 7 and create a component with each specification. You will be able to convert a Java SE program into a multi-tiered Java EE application. You should be able to demonstrate these skills:

  • Describe the architecture of multi-tiered Java EE applications.
  • Package Java EE applications and deploy to Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform with various tools.
  • Create an Enterprise Java Bean instance.
  • Manage the persistence of data using Java Persistence API.
  • Create a web service using JAX-RS.
  • Properly apply context scopes to beans and inject resources into Java Beans.
  • Store and retrieve messages using the Java Messaging Service.
  • Secure a Java EE application.

Be eligible for Government of India incentives and earn a NASSCOM certification on successful completion of the course through the FutureSkills Prime platform.


INR 27,200 INR 11,599**

**Promotional price valid till 29th December 2023


96 hours

NSQF Level


National Credit


Government of India Incentive


*Enterprise Application Developer is equivalent to Red Hat Application Development I.