Common Connections

Creating the Classroom

Common Connections

Traditional educational approaches aren’t enough to shape the makers and thinkers of tomorrow. For Charlie Reisinger and Melanie Shimano’s students, open source shows the real-world potential of classroom ideas. See why in this conversation.

Melanie Shimano

Melanie Shimano

Food Computer Program

Melanie is an engineer, data scientist, and open source enthusiast who has helped bring food and agriculture to life for students in Baltimore. Cultivating Change shows how her Food Computer Program empowered high school students at Green Street Academy to use open source tools to grow their own vegetables.

Watch Cultivating Change

Build your own indoor farm

Charlie Reisinger

Charlie Reisinger

Director of Technology
Penn Manor School District

Charlie is a champion of open source in education. He launched Pennsylvania’s largest classroom desktop Linux® program and has written extensively about how schools can use open source to empower students. In Penn Manor: The Power of Open in Education, we spotlighted the student-powered IT help desk Charlie created at his school.

Watch Penn Manor

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Une communauté mondiale de bénévoles conçoit, fabrique et distribue gratuitement des prothèses Open Source imprimées en 3D.

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Starting Small

Rencontrez les fabricants, les spécialistes et les artisans qui œuvrent pour intégrer des données Open Source dans le quotidien au Chili.

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Collective Discovery

Comment du matériel Open Source peut-il permettre aux scientifiques de faire des découvertes fondamentales ?

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Logo Open Source Stories

Quel sera le prochain film ?

La série Open Source Stories, créée par Red Hat, rend hommage aux esprits novateurs qui mettent à profit la puissance de l'Open Source pour aider les individus à réaliser leurs projets.

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