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Cloud-native applications are distributed, making integration more challenging than traditional, monolithic apps. That's where agile integration comes in.

The Red Hat® Shares newsletter helps IT leaders navigate the complicated world of IT―the open source way.




Still using a centralized integration approach?

In November we covered cloud-native application development. But there’s more to this story: integration.

Historically, organizations have used a centralized integration approach: 1 team managing 1 technology, like an enterprise service bus (ESB). But apps have gotten more complex. They're built specifically for the cloud and deployed across public, private, and hybrid cloud environments.

To better serve cloud-native architectures, you need a decentralized integration model built for distributed technologies. For instance, containerized application programming interfaces (APIs), data streams, and other integration technologies can increase scalability across decentralized services. We call this approach agile integration.

In this Red Hat® Shares issue, dig deeper into agile integration; learn about key cloud-native technologies; see how UPS is thriving with an agile, integrated cloud environment; and more.


Agile integration: The blueprint for enterprise architecture

An organization that can change pricing or make new products available for sales overnight has a big advantage over one that requires a 3-month staged rollout.


Webinar: How to use API-centric agile integration

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how API-centric integration can help your organization become more data-driven, agile, and efficient.


What is agile integration, and why do you need it?

If you can quickly integrate system assets, you’ll be better prepared to meet new business needs as they arise.

Red Hat Summit is May 7-9, 2019



Here’s how to talk about cloud-native technologies in terms nontechnical people can understand.

Microservices in plain English

Containers in plain English

Kubernetes in plain English

APIs in plain English

Cloud-native apps in plain English



6 integration problems agile integration can solve

We classified a variety of often-nuanced integration challenges into these 6 categories.




Red Hat Global Customer Tech Outlook 2019

Highlights from our annual survey of more than 400 Red Hat customers around the world.




UPS streamlines package tracking and delivery

A flexible, agile, container-based cloud computing environment and a DevOps approach are helping developers work more efficiently, providing a better experience for UPS customers.


Struggling with containers?

See how we’ve helped organizations in Forrester’s “The Total Economic Impact™ Of Red Hat Consulting’s Container Adoption Program And Red Hat Open Innovation Labs” report.


Did you miss our previous issue, which listed our top tech stories of 2018? Check it out.


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