피드 구독

According to a recent survey about the state of open source jobs featured on opensource.com, the majority of hiring managers surveyed see an increase in hiring for open source talent over other roles in the next six months. This is great news for all of us in open source. The catch? Eighty-seven percent of those same hiring managers reported that attracting candidates with the right skills and expertise is a challenge.

We know that the skills and knowledge demanded of enterprise IT professionals is changing as new technologies emerge. We want our our clients and our students to succeed in the face of this changing environment. To aid in the success of our students, we design our training and certification to not only prove they are capable, but to effectively use the skills learned in our courses. In a recent questionnaire 96% of our students say they are better prepared post-class to maximize the value of their Red Hat technology investment1.

When it comes to hiring talent, over 50% of hiring managers prefer to hire talent with formal open source training and 44% percent said they are more like to hire candidates with certifications2. According to Tom’s IT Pro, 91% of IT managers consider certification vital in hiring and is a mark of employee success4. "Hiring managers are championing these ambitions, with 34% willing to aid with the cost of an employee’s open source certification," 2016 Open Source Jobs Report says3.

Hiring managers place great value on certifications and training, so we strive to provide our students with top-quality options for both.  Ninety-two percent of our training students say their IT projects are more likely to succeed as a result of our training and 93% of Red Hat Certified Professionals agree that Red Hat’s hands-on testing approach provides a better measure of skills and knowledge5.

As the need for trained, talented professionals continues to grow, Red Hat Learning Subscription is a great resource for the IT community. It provides 365-day access to the entire Red Hat portfolio, including emerging technologies, and access to both self-paced, online training and video classroom courses.


Get started today.


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1 - Based upon global, post-class survey of 9,583 students conducted September 1, 2015 - February 29, 2016.
2 - Opensource.com, “2016 Open Source Jobs Report: Developers, DevOps, and certifications wanted, ”May 2016.
3 - CompTIA, “HR Perceptions of IT Training and Certification,” February 2015.
4 - TomsITPro.com, “Best Linux Certifications for 2016,” October 2015.
5 - CompTIA, “5 Reasons Why Employers Look for IT Certifications,” February 2015.
6 - Statistics based on 166 responses to a 2015 Red Hat certification survey.

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