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5 underused Podman features to try now

Simplify how you interact with containers by incorporating pods, init containers, additional image stores, system reset, and play kube into your work.
Colorful cubes

Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay

In the first part of 5 Podman features to try now, Dan Walsh talked about the Podman team's effort to attain feature parity with Docker and the ways Podman has surpassed Docker. He then reviewed five of his favorite Podman commands and options that are not present in Docker.

In part two, I will review five Podman features that I think are either underused or under-appreciated largely because Docker does not implement them, yet will simplify your container experience.

1. Utilize pods

Pods are generally a unique feature for single-node container runtimes and originate from the Kubernetes world. A pod is one or more containers that share a set of namespaces and cgroups. Many container users do not employ pods or understand how pods can help them.

More than half of the basic questions I field about containers can be solved by using pods. Because pods share namespaces, they simplify intercontainer communication, enable lightweight orchestration of container deployment, and even sprinkle in some special functions.

For example, one common question people ask is, "How can I get container A with a service on a particular port communicating with container B on a specific port?" I see users doing all kinds of IP address parsing and container aliasing to solve this problem. My answer? Put them in a pod and tell the services to communicate over the pod's localhost interface. This approach eliminates the need for IP addresses or aliases.

You can create a new pod with the podman pod create command or by defining the pod with podman run. I prefer the latter. I'll make a fictitious pod called example. The first container in the pod will run MySQL:

$ podman run -dt --pod new:example

And now I can add another container to the pod with the podman run command:

$ podman run -dt --pod example

A pod that contains a database and a web server within a pod looks like this:

$ podman pod ls
5e157786e495  example 	Running 	4 minutes ago  918771c42cc1  3

I can further inspect the pod's contents by adding the --pod option to podman ps. Notice how it now shows each container's pod ID:

$ podman ps --pod
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                    	COMMAND           	CREATED         	STATUS             	PORTS   	NAMES           	POD ID    	PODNAME
918771c42cc1  localhost/podman-pause:4.0.0-dev-1645134365                    	4 minutes ago   	Up 4 minutes ago               	5e157786e495-infra  5e157786e495  example
0f7ecf9bec27       	nginx -g daemon o...  4 minutes ago   	Up 4 minutes ago               	nginx           	5e157786e495  example
7edd8961a0ca           	mysqld            	About a minute ago  Up About a minute ago          	db              	5e157786e495  example

In this setup, both the web server and the database can refer to each other over localhost because they share the same network space. There is no need to name the container or deal with IP addresses or hostnames.

Another perhaps unintended benefit of pods is they offer a very lightweight orchestration for containers on a single node. If you have several containers in a single pod, they can all be stopped, started, and restarted with the podman pod command.

[ Try this course: A basic introduction to container management in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. ]

2. Understand init containers

In the previous section, I mentioned that pods bring some specific functions into play. Init containers are one of those. An init container runs after the pod's infra container starts but before regular pod containers start. Init containers are useful for running setup operations for the pod's applications.

There are two flavors of init containers: always or once. The always value means the container will run with each and every pod start, whereas the once value means the container will run once when the pod starts and be removed from the pod. Consider the following layout of a LAMP pod.

LAMP pod
(Brent Baude, CC BY-SA 4.0)

The LAMP pod has four containers and two volumes before it runs the first time. The two core containers run MySQL, Apache, and PHP. Then there are also two complementary init containers. The pod has a one-time init container for MySQL, which defines the database tables and preloads data. This container disappears after it runs. Then there is an always init container that runs before the Apache container starts. This init container runs Git commands to clone down the most recent web server code.

Check out the article Build Kubernetes pods with Podman play kube for a deeper dive into this example.

3. Create additional image stores

Podman's storage libraries are capable of using more than one image store. When you use Podman normally, users have default image stores. For rootless users, the store is usually in their homedir, and for rootfull users (depending on the distribution), it is /var/lib/containers/storage. But in the storage configuration, you can also add additional stores, usually read-only, to Podman.

Secondary storage opens up some interesting use cases for Podman users. Given the correct location, secondary stores can be shared between root and unprivileged users. Moreover, you can set permissions so that unprivileged users can put images in the store for other users, which results in fewer pulls and pushes to and from the image registries. I've put an example together and added a Fedora image to the store. Here is what the default image store looks like:

$ podman images
REPOSITORY             	TAG        	IMAGE ID  	CREATED   	SIZE 	1-slim-buster  3ca1d8ed11bf  7 days ago	653 MB   buster     	739ca6e61c27  8 days ago	119 MB   latest     	c059bfaa849c  3 months ago  5.87 MB  latest     	d7b9a2cfb457  4 months ago  5.87 MB

The first thing I need to do is create the mount point for the additional storage. Then I will set the permissions so the wheel group can read and write to it:

$ sudo mkdir --mode=u+rwx,g+rws /var/sharedstore
$ sudo chgrp -R wheel /var/sharedstore

Now I'll create the store. The easiest way is to populate the store with an image. Because the additional store is read-only, use the --root parameter to point to only the extra share, which will allow users to write to it:

$ podman --root /var/sharedstore/ pull fedora
Resolved "fedora" as an alias (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/000-shortnames.conf)
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 9c6cc3463716 done  
Copying config 750037c05c done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

I'm using Fedora 35, and as such, I need to set SELinux permissions for the new store:

$ sudo semanage fcontext -a -e /var/lib/containers/storage /var/sharedstore
$ sudo restorecon -r /var/sharedstore/

The next step is to teach Podman about the additional store. Do this by editing the respective storage.conf files. For unprivileged users, that is usually $HOME/.config/containers/storage.conf; and for rootfull users it is /etc/containers/storage.conf. Those files are not likely to already exist, so just add the following to enable the share:

driver = "overlay"
additionalimagestores = [ "/var/sharedstore"

With that, the additional store should be enabled. The real test will be if the Fedora image is now seen as an available image.

$ podman images
REPOSITORY                     	TAG        	IMAGE ID  	CREATED   	SIZE    	R/O         	1-slim-buster  3ca1d8ed11bf  7 days ago	653 MB  	false       	buster     	739ca6e61c27  8 days ago	119 MB  	false
localhost/foobar               	latest     	750037c05cfe  2 weeks ago   159 MB  	false  latest     	750037c05cfe  2 weeks ago   159 MB  	true       	latest     	c059bfaa849c  3 months ago  5.87 MB 	false      	latest     	d7b9a2cfb457  4 months ago  5.87 MB 	false

You can basically use images in additional stores as you would regular images. Just remember that the store itself is read-only.

$ podman run -it --rm fedora cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 35 (Thirty Five)

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Earlier, I mentioned that the root user could share the additional image store. To do so, root must edit /etc/containers/storage.conf and add the additional store. As was mentioned above, the store can be made accessible for rootfull and rootless users if given the correct permissions. After the root user edits storage.conf, a rootfull user can see the secondary store:

$ sudo podman images
REPOSITORY                     	TAG     	IMAGE ID  	CREATED   	SIZE    	R/O    	latest  	f56a7d7fefd7  33 hours ago  452 MB  	false  latest  	750037c05cfe  2 weeks ago   159 MB  	true

4. Use the system reset command

One command I didn't use until recently is Podman's system reset. As a Podman developer, I have to do quite a bit of container and image teardown after developing some feature or debugging a very specific problem. While I use Podman's -a switch to remove images, I still have to issue one command for containers and a different one for images, unless I remember podman rmi -fa deletes all containers and images.

Even so, this can leave artifacts in the stores. Using podman system reset –force deletes the stores, resulting in a more thorough removal of everything. Any network configurations you created will also be deleted. This is like hitting the reset button on your phone. When the process completes, it is like you never ran Podman.

Here is an example of a container image store:

$podman images
REPOSITORY                             	TAG     	IMAGE ID  	CREATED    	SIZE
localhost/sillyboy                     	latest  	a1e9cccd2fab  2 days ago 	5.62 GB             	latest  	6a3c44872108  4 days ago 	382 MB            	latest  	036646f5d23c  4 days ago 	23.2 MB
localhost/net                          	latest  	036646f5d23c  4 days ago 	23.2 MB
<none>                                 	<none>  	14b53822edb2  4 days ago 	21.8 MB           	latest  	5e9e9275e4d6  4 days ago 	5.87 MB
localhost/foo                          	latest  	5b910e0d7ae8  4 days ago 	5.87 MB               	1.16    	221c5472423f  8 days ago 	941 MB  latest  	f6bcef5d1fe4  8 days ago 	6.23 GB      	35      	cb29aee23f9f  10 days ago	174 MB        	latest  	c9c5fe8be389  2 weeks ago	2.12 GB               	latest  	6059469ab445  3 weeks ago	646 MB               	latest  	d13c942271d6  6 weeks ago	75.2 MB      	latest  	3059bef432eb  2 months ago   159 MB               	latest  	c059bfaa849c  2 months ago   5.87 MB          	latest  	7b0f8c69a29c  3 months ago   119 MB                  	latest  	4d50a7b41aa3  3 months ago   11.9 MB                  	latest  	300e315adb2f  14 months ago  217 MB                  	latest  	961769676411  2 years ago	5.85 MB

And networks:

$ podman network ls
2f259bab93aa  podman  	bridge
7dfd63bf6076  podman1 	bridge
c2a0a3d33c54  podman3 	bridge
1b4cc8285951  podman4 	bridge
6d87c5bfefa8  podman7 	bridge
37f3e42c28fe  testing 	bridge

After executing podman system reset –force, check the store again:

$ podman images

As you can see, the image store is gone. Below, you can see just the default network remains.

$ podman network ls
2f259bab93aa  podman  	bridge

5. Use the play kube command

When I have spoken about Podman publicly, I have often referred to play kube as an area of growth for Podman. Podman's play kube allows users to feed Podman a Kubernetes YAML file, and Podman will execute it locally. Its partner command is generate kube, allowing users to generate Kubernetes YAML from their running containers or pods. In fact, our community members have become one of the main drivers in adding new features to both play kube and generate kube. As play kube becomes adopted by our users, I have noticed that people are generally starting to use it instead of Docker compose. This is because both Podman and Kubernetes can use the YAML, whereas docker-compose is only applicable to Docker and Podman.

Here is a snippet of the full YAML file:

# Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import
# it into Kubernetes.
# Created with podman-4.0.0-dev
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
	bind-mount-options:/home/baude/my-lamp-project/mydbstuff: Z
	bind-mount-options:/home/baude/my-lamp-project/mywebstuff: Z
  creationTimestamp: "2021-10-01T13:53:45Z"
	app: lamp
  name: lamp
  - args:
	- mysqld
	clipped for brevity

To play this file with Podman, use the podman play kube command. In the following example, Podman also builds the images needed:

$ sudo podman play kube lamp.yaml
STEP 2/2: COPY my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf
COMMIT localhost/mariadb-conf:latest
--> d2ed21332b9
Successfully tagged localhost/mariadb-conf:latest
cut for brevity
debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
debconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.)
debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
Setting up libcurl3-gnutls:amd64 (7.64.0-4+deb10u2) ...
Setting up liberror-perl (0.17027-2) ...
Setting up libx11-data (2:1.6.7-1+deb10u2) ...
Setting up libpcre2-8-0:amd64 (10.32-5) ...
Setting up git-man (1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3) ...
Setting up libx11-6:amd64 (2:1.6.7-1+deb10u2) ...
Setting up libxmuu1:amd64 (2:1.1.2-2+b3) ...
Setting up libxext6:amd64 (2:1.3.3-1+b2) ...
Setting up git (1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3) ...
Setting up xauth (1:1.0.10-1) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.28-10) ...
Processing triggers for mime-support (3.62) ...
COMMIT localhost/php-7.2-apache-mysqli:latest
--> 663f4f7b71e
Successfully tagged localhost/php-7.2-apache-mysqli:latest

Podman can see the newly built images:

$ sudo podman images
REPOSITORY                     	TAG               	IMAGE ID  	CREATED         	SIZE    	R/O
localhost/php-7.2-apache-mysqli	latest            	663f4f7b71e9  40 seconds ago  	474 MB  	false
localhost/mariadb-conf         	latest            	d2ed21332b9f  About a minute ago  421 MB  	false
localhost/podman-pause         	4.0.0-dev-1646776032  5554f9095246  About a minute ago  812 kB  	false      	latest            	f5dd1ac0b00e  14 hours ago    	421 MB  	false  latest            	750037c05cfe  2 weeks ago     	159 MB  	true          	7.2-apache        	c61d277263e1  15 months ago   	419 MB  	false

Observe the running pod using podman pod ps:

$ sudo podman pod ps
51ce1f660d39  lamp    	Running 	About a minute ago  25008abcc0be  5

For more detail on the running containers inside the pod, podman ps displays the database and Apache containers that are running:

$ sudo podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                    	COMMAND           	CREATED         	STATUS             	PORTS             	NAMES
25008abcc0be  localhost/podman-pause:4.0.0-dev-1646776032                    	About a minute ago  Up About a minute ago>80/tcp  51ce1f660d39-infra
0113426a0646  localhost/mariadb-conf:latest            	mysqld            	About a minute ago  Up About a minute ago>80/tcp  lamp-bravegauss
8024181e824a  localhost/php-7.2-apache-mysqli:latest   	apache2-foregroun...  About a minute ago  Up About a minute ago>80/tcp  lamp-dazzlingelgamal

Wrap up

These are my top five Podman features that many container users underutilize. There is a common theme among several of them: simplification.

Pods, init containers, additional stores, and system reset all have great potential for simplifying containers and how you interact with them. In the case of pods and init containers, they make it simpler to deploy. Additional stores make more efficient use of your disk space and allow you to share images between users. And finally, system reset enables you to completely reset your container environment with one simple command.

And my personal favorites, podman generate and play kube, allow you to document your pods and containers in Kubernetes YAML files. These files enable you to easily recreate those pods and containers on any Kubernetes cluster.

Topics:   Podman   Containers  
Author’s photo

Brent Baude

Brent is a Principle Software Engineer at Red Hat and leads the Container Runtimes team which includes things like Podman and Buildah. He is a maintainer of Podman upstream and a major contributor as well. More about me

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