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Top 10 Enable Sysadmin guides from 2019

Check out our 10 most popular guides from 2019.

What a great year for Enable Sysadmin. After soft-launching in June, we started publishing articles, building a community of system administrators, and gaining an audience. Thank you for reading and sharing your favorite articles throughout the year.

As I reflect on the progress we've made in helping new authors get published and watching dozens of people become part of our "Runlevel 3" club (with more than three articles published), some of our guides have performed really well. This means that you all really enjoyed these pieces and perhaps read them more than once, or continue to reference them.

Our top performers were no surprise. Sysadmins continue to live on the command line and are always looking for ways to save time, save keystrokes, and do their job efficiently. Enjoy this year's top 10 guides from Enable Sysadmin:

Topics:   Linux   Year in review  
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Jason Hibbets

Jason Hibbets is a Principal Program Manager at Red Hat with the Digital Communities team. He works with the Enable Architect, Enable Sysadmin, Enterprisers Project, and community publications. More about me

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