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API World and APIDays brought together worldwide experts and innovators to showcase the latest trends in API management. The events highlighted significant shifts in the way organizations approach the API life cycle with remarks in design, security and management. Here are some key trends that emerged from the conferences that we think you should know about.

1. Automation takes center stage

A recurring theme was the increasing importance of automation in API management. Organizations are seeking ways to streamline processes, reduce manual interventions and achieve higher operational efficiency. This trend signifies a move towards more seamless and automated API management workflows.

2. Code-driven approaches for API management

Another notable trend was the adoption of code-driven approaches in API management. The ability to define and configure API artifacts using code, such as OpenAPI specifications, simplifies the management of APIs. It promotes consistency, version control and easier integration of APIs into the development pipeline.

3. AI's growing influence

The rising influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in API management was a major talking point. AI is being used to optimize API strategies, enhance security and improve API performance. Machine learning models are being employed to predict API usage patterns and identify potential security threats, making API management more intelligent and proactive.

4. Transition from full API life cycle to API management

Gartner's shift from Full Lifecycle API Management (FLAPIM) to a focus on core requirements for managing APIs was a topic of significant discussion. This transition reflects the evolving requirements of the industry. API management, which emphasizes the runtime and operational aspects of APIs, is gaining prominence. Organizations are increasingly focused on efficient API usage, monitoring and security.

5. Embracing streamlined API management

With the increased focus on API management, organizations are looking for streamlined solutions that simplify API design, deployment and governance. They aim to reduce complexity, enhance operational agility and lower the total cost of ownership associated with APIs. This trend highlights the need for comprehensive and user-friendly API management platforms.

6. API gateways evolution

The "Gatewaysaurus", the bloated API gateway that Mark O’Neill wrote about, is being replaced by a new generation of API gateways that are leaner, have a smaller footprint and are distributed. What were once known as microgateways have become the norm. Broader suites typically come with their own API gateway, but more and more people are asking for API management solutions that can communicate with other API gateways via federation, raising awareness of the difficulties associated with "bringing your own gateway."

As the API landscape continues to evolve, organizations and professionals must stay informed about these trends to effectively harness the power of APIs. Automation, code-driven approaches, AI integration and a more focused API management strategy are shaping the future of API management. These trends are essential for organizations seeking to design, secure and manage their APIs in an increasingly interconnected multicloud world. By staying ahead of these trends, you can optimize your API strategies and remain competitive in the digital ecosystem and the API economy.

If you are interested in learning more about how to get the most out of your APIs, check out our ebook, The API Owner’s Manual, that explores 7 best practices we believe can help boost your success and get the most out of your IT investment and drive transformative outcomes.

Download the API Owner’s Manual

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