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Quarkus is an exciting development in open source technologies. This Kubernetes-native Java application framework brings the familiar reliability and maturity of Java with container-ready capabilities and developer-friendly features such as live reload, fast boot time, and imperative and reactive coding styles.  

As organizations take advantage of cloud-native microservices architectures, Quarkus allows developers to more quickly build, test, and deploy their applications, improving application time to market. 

Train and Certify with Red Hat

Evolving technology requires evolving skill development. As Quarkus grew in popularity, Red Hat Training & Certification designed a new learning path for Java developers to learn the joy of developing with Quarkus and the integration with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. 

The Red Hat Cloud-Native Microservices Development with Quarkus course (DO378) and the Red Hat Certified Cloud-Native Developer Exam (EX378) prepare developers to leverage microservice application development with Quarkus for streamlined deployment on OpenShift clusters. 

The Red Hat Cloud-native Microservices Development with Quarkus course (DO378) is a 5-day opportunity to learn more about cloud-native architectures, container-ready deployments, and Quarkus frameworks. Designed specifically for application developers, this course covers the fundamentals of developing, monitoring, testing, and deploying modern microservices applications using OpenShift 4.5 and Quarkus 1.7.

This course demonstrates the deployment of microservices applications on OpenShift, building a microservice application with Quarkus, implementing unit and integration tests for microservices, data injections, security using OAuth, and deploying native Quarkus applications. This course does not have prerequisites, but it is strongly recommended that students are proficient in Java application development skills or have taken Red Hat Application Development I: Programming in Java EE (JB183) prior to enrolling.

For those looking to prove their knowledge and add a certification to their name, pair the DO378 course with the Red Hat Certified Cloud-Native Developer Exam (EX378). This is a challenging 3-hour exam that specifically focuses on topics covered in the Quarkus course. This comprehensive session will put your skills to the test across an array of specific actions, requests, and configurations in a limited environment as the clock ticks away. Successful completion of this exam will count towards earning a Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) certification!

Enroll today

As more developments, modernizations, and breakthroughs arrive in the open source industry, we at Red Hat will continue to expand our growing list of courses and certifications available to those who wish to enroll and become certified across a wide array of technologies.

Take the next step in advancing your skills with OpenShift with an advanced focus on microservices and Quarkus frameworks. Enroll in the Red Hat Cloud-Native Microservices Development with Quarkus course (DO378) and the Red Hat Certified Cloud-Native Developer Exam (EX378).

Want to check out our full roster of training courses and exams? Check out our Red Hat Training and Certification site.

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Über den Autor

Randy Russell is the director of Certification and leads the team that develops and delivers Red Hat's certification programs and exams.  A long-time proponent of performance-based testing, he has served on the board and as president and chairman of the Performance Testing Council, as well as having presented on this subject and others at industry conferences such as the Association of Test Publishers, the European Association of Test Publishers, CeDMA and TSIA.  Prior to joining Red Hat, Russell was a system administrator and programmer at an environmental economics consulting firm.

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