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This blog aims to take the first steps with Red Hat OpenShift GitOps and Microsoft Azure DevOps, with a short hands-on example that shows how to efficiently deploy a Quarkus application on top of your preferred Red Hat OpenShift managed cloud service.

This blog series also includes:

The demonstrations in this series use:

  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift/Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS/OSD 4.12+ installed
  • OpenShift Pipelines 1.12 installed
  • OpenShift GitOps 1.10 installed
  • A Quarkus application source code
  • Azure Container Registry as an image repository
  • Azure DevOps Repository as a source repository

About the test environment

I have successfully tested this integration on Red Hat OpenShift on AWS  and Microsoft Azure Red Hat Openshift clusters, version 4.12.

The Azure DevOps config repository used here contains the Kubernetes manifests of a Quarkus application that exposes static and dynamic HTML pages. Since it is a private repo, a username and a personal access token (PAT) are needed to access it.

OpenShift GitOps integration illustration of central hub

About the OpenShift GitOps operator

The Central Hub deployment model has been chosen to deploy the same application across different environments. In this case, the main instance of OpenShift GitOps v1.10 (Argo CD 2.8.4) is installed on a OpenShift Service on AWS cluster, which will be the PRODUCTION environment. An external Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster will be added to this instance as the DEV/TEST environment.

Please note that Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes is one way to effectively manage this type of deployment model, especially for PRODUCTION environments. It integrates with Argo CD and helps to extend GitOps flows to all OpenShift clusters.

Get started

There are five steps in this integration:

  1. Install the OpenShift GitOps Operator on OpenShift Service on AWS.
  2. Connect OpenShift GitOps to Azure DevOps.
  3. Add an external OpenShift cluster to your OpenShift GitOps instance.
  4. Onboard and deploy the Quarkus application.
  5. Manage your apps from the Argo CD dashboard.

1. Install the OpenShift GitOps Operator

Installing OpenShift GitOps is relatively straightforward. Log in to the OpenShift Service on AWS cluster and create a subscription object YAML file to subscribe a namespace to the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps. Here is an example:

cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
 name: openshift-gitops-operator
 namespace: openshift-operators
 channel: latest 
 installPlanApproval: Automatic
 name: openshift-gitops-operator 
 source: redhat-operators 
 sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

Wait a couple of minutes to ensure all the pods in the openshift-gitops namespace are running:

oc get pods -n openshift-gitops

Allow the openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller service account to create objects in the different namespaces:

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin -z openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller -n openshift-gitops

Consult the official Red Hat documentation if you need further info on installing OpenShift GitOps

2. Connect GitOps to Azure DevOps

Next, define a new repository by creating a Kubernetes Secret like the one below and store your Azure DevOps personal access token along with the other details. Make sure to replace the various fields per your needs (e.g., name, URL, password and username).

cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
 name: my-priv-https-repo
 namespace: openshift-gitops
   argocd.argoproj.io/secret-type: repository
 url: https://<your-user@dev.azure.com/your-repo/>
 password: <$your_Azuere_DevOps_personal_access_token>
 username: <$your_repo_username>

Since OpenShift Secrets are encoded in base64 and not encrypted, you may choose to take at least the following steps to use Secrets safely:

  • Enable encryption at rest for Secrets
  • Enable or configure role-based access control (RBAC) rules with least-privilege access to Secrets
  • Restrict Secret access to specific containers
  • Consider using external Secret store providers

3. Add an external OpenShift cluster to your OpenShift GitOps instance

The easiest way to do this is to apply a Secret like this. Make sure to add this Secret in the same namespace where OpenShift GitOps is installed:

cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
 namespace: openshift-gitops
 name: mycluster-secret
   argocd.argoproj.io/secret-type: cluster
type: Opaque
 name: dvshh9ai.eastus.aroapp.io
 server: https://<your-aro-cluster-API-URL-here>:6443
 config: |
     "bearerToken": "sha256~c3_THIS_IS_AN_EXAMPLE_4XHPt1d3Nwfq_hgw8rd6G0C243uy_Wxc",
     "tlsClientConfig": {
       "insecure": false

In this example, an external Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster (DEV) has been added to the OpenShift GitOps instance.

Find more details below:

  • Label  → argocd.argoproj.io/secret-type: cluster
  • Name  → cluster name
  • Server → API URL
  • bearerToken  → can be obtained by executing the oc whoami --show-token on the cluster you want to add
OpenShift GitOps integration cluster details

Since the newly added cluster has no applications and is not monitored, the connection status will initially appear as Unknown.

4a. Onboard and deploy the Quarkus application on the PROD cluster (Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS)

cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
 name: my-app-rosa
 namespace: openshift-gitops
   namespace: quarkus-deploy
   server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
 project: default
   path: prod_rosa
   repoURL: https://<your-user@dev.azure.com/your-repo/>
   targetRevision: HEAD
     recurse: true
     prune: true
     selfHeal: true
     - CreateNamespace=true

4b. Onboard and deploy the Quarkus application on the DEV cluster (Azure Red Hat OpenShift)

cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
 name: my-app-aro
 namespace: openshift-gitops
   namespace: quarkus-deploy
   server: https://<your-aro-cluster-API-URL-here>:6443
 project: default
   path: dev_aro
   repoURL: https://<your-user@dev.azure.com/your-repo/>
   targetRevision: HEAD
     recurse: true
     prune: true
     selfHeal: true
     - CreateNamespace=true

This installs the same application on an external Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster, which resides in the same Azure DevOps repository but in a different folder (dev_aro) to distinguish it from the production environment.

OpenShift GitOps integration screenshot of a menu

In both cases, this will automatically deploy a new App in the quarkus-deploy namespace.

Note: The app image resides on an external registry, so create a Secret that the default serviceaccount will point to to get the credentials needed to pull from AzureCR. You can find further details here.

If you do not already have a Docker credentials file for the secured registry, you can create a Secret by running the following command:

$ oc create secret docker-registry <pull_secret_name> \
--docker-server="https://<your external image registry>" \
--docker-username=<username> \ --docker-password="<password>"

To use a Secret for pulling images for pods, add the Secret to your service account. The name of the service account should match the pod's service account. The default service account is default.

$ oc secrets link default <pull_secret_name> --for=pull

5. Manage your app from the Argo CD dashboard

Access the Argo CD dashboard to view and manage the newly created resources on your OpenShift cluster.

In the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift web console, navigate to Menu → OpenShift GitOps → Cluster Argo CD.

OpenShift GitOps integration screenshot of a menu

The Argo CD user interface appears in a new window. Log in by using the Argo CD admin account. Use the admin password below.

To retrieve the admin password:

oc extract secret/openshift-gitops-cluster -n openshift-gitops --to=-
OpenShift GitOps integration argoCD login screen

Once you get there, you will see a new resource called my-app-<something>. Since syncPolicy: is automated, you will see the sync phase already running (if not already finished) with a Healthy state, as seen in the image below.

OpenShift GitOps integration screenshot of argo applications

Both apps are now running, and you can view resource components, logs, events and health status assessed as shown in the images below:

OpenShift GitOps integration screenshot of sync details OpenShift GitOps integration screenshot of my-app-rosa details

Once your apps have been deployed, you can view their status from OpenShift, either in the user interface (UI) or command-line interface (CLI). Here, you can find a few details related to the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster:

OpenShift GitOps integration Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS details OpenShift GitOps integration Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS details OpenShift GitOps integration Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS details

As was done for the OpenShift Service on AWS cluster above, here you can find an OpenShift GitOps view of the same app deployed on an Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster:

OpenShift GitOps integration screenshot of sync statis OpenShift GitOps integration my-app-aro details

Since it is the same application installed on an Azure Red Hat OpenShift Cluster, in the following images we will find the same details at the end, in order to demonstrate what we have said.

OpenShift GitOps integration Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster details OpenShift GitOps integration Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster details OpenShift GitOps integration Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster details

The app URL is an HTTP web link, as no SSL certificates are installed for this quick-start guide.

Wrap up

Hopefully, this three part blog series helps you take the first steps with OpenShift GitOps and Azure DevOps. For additional information, refer to the official Red Hat OpenShift GitOps documentation here, and read the other parts of this series here:

Über die Autoren

Angelo has been working in the IT world since 2008, mostly on the infra side, and has held many roles, including System Administrator, Application Operations Engineer, Support Engineer and Technical Account Manager.

Since joining Red Hat in 2019, Angelo has had several roles, always involving OpenShift. Now, as a Cloud Success Architect, Angelo is providing guidance to adopt and accelerate adoption of Red Hat cloud service offerings such as Microsoft Azure Red Hat OpenShift, Red Hat OpenShift on AWS and Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated.

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Gianfranco has been working in the IT industry for over 20 years in many roles: system engineer, technical project manager, entrepreneur and cloud presales engineer before joining the EMEA CSA team in 2022. His interest is related to the continued exploration of cloud computing, which includes a plurality of services, and his goal is to help customers succeed with their managed Red Hat OpenShift solutions in the cloud space. Proud husband and father. I love cooking, traveling and playing sports when possible (e.g. MTB, swimming, scuba diving).

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Marco is a Cloud Success Architect, delivering production pilots and best practices to managed cloud services (ROSA and ARO in particular) customers. He has been at Red Hat since 2022, previously working as an IT Ops Cloud Team Lead then as Site Manager for different customers in the Italian Public Administration sector.

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