Open Studio community

A creative community guided by open source principles

Our community is rooted in open source principles and practices, and these principles inform all of the work we build and the creative practices we use in our work.

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Who makes up the Open Studio community?

Open Studio is a creative community based in open source. We’re a collection of strategists, designers, developers, writers, animators, audio producers—from both inside and outside of Red Hat—who work together to tell innovative stories and amplify the Red Hat voice. We are a passionate community that powers the Red Hat brand through open source principles and creative practices.

Our roots are in storytelling

We believe that the best stories are ones that are true, relatable, and inspiring. We are not defined to a core group of contributors, and our work thrives because of the many diverse perspectives we bring to every project.

We believe open, authentic stories can change the world

The Open Studio community believes the best work comes out of creating in an open way. Our practices are based on the open source development model and emphasize principles such as collaboration, transparency, and meritocracy. We work together to share untold stories in innovative ways, and aim to be Red Hat’s voice in the world. We believe that true, authentic, and powerful stories can help change the world.

See how open source principles ground our work

Community action events

The Open Studio community works with organizations, schools, and other groups to share how we bring open source principles into our creative work.

Documenting work from conception to completion

By sharing examples of our creative work made using open source methodologies on the Red Hat Blog, we hope to inspire other teams to consider adopting these principles in their own work.

Open sourcing projects

We believe that when work is available for all to see and build upon, it can only improve. That’s why many assets from Open Studio community projects are available to download.