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David Both

David Both

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David Both is an open source software and GNU/Linux advocate, trainer,
writer, and speaker who lives in Raleigh, NC. He is a strong
proponent of and evangelist for the "Linux Philosophy."

David has been in the IT industry for over 50 years. He has taught RHCE
classes for Red Hat and has worked at MCI Worldcom, Cisco, and the State
of North Carolina. He has been working with Linux and open source
software for over 20 years.

David  likes to purchase the components and build his own computers from
scratch to ensure that each new computer meets his exacting
specifications. His primary workstation is an ASUS TUF X299 motherboard
and an Intel i9 CPU with 16 cores (32 CPUs) and 64GB of RAM in a
CoolerMaster MasterFrame 700.

David has written articles for magazines including Linux Magazine and
Linux Journal. His article "Complete Kickstart," co-authored with a
colleague at Cisco, was ranked 9th in the Linux Magazine Top Ten Best
System Administration Articles list for 2008. David currently writes
prolifically for and Enable Sysadmin.

David currently has five books published with Apress, "The Linux
Philosophy for SysAdmins," a self-study training course in three
volumes "Using and Administering Linux: Zero to SysAdmin," that was
released in late 2019, and "Linux for Small Business Owners" with
co-author Cyndi Bulka.

David can be reached at or on Twitter @LinuxGeek46.