In-person event

Open Tour Sundsvall

August 29, 2023Sundsvall, SwedenClarion Hotel Sundsvall
Event menu

Red Hat Summit Connect 2024

This year our Nordic teams are joining the Red Hat Summit Connect roadshow instead of the Open Tour.


More sessions will be announced shortly

08:30 - 09:00

Registration & coffee

09:00 - 09:30

Welcome & introduction

(Parter area)

Fredrick Ericsson,

Country Manager, Red Hat Sweden

09:30 - 09:50

Intel Keynote: The Winning Partnership “Software Defined, Silicon Enhanced”

(Room A)

Spanning more than 25 years, together, Red Hat and Intel help customers to navigate digital transformation with solutions that provide more choice, flexibility, and innovation. Join us to hear how Red Hat and Intel provide innovative and more secure enterprise-level solutions that help you and your customers to gain a competitive advantage.

Anders Huge,

Sales Director, Public Sector, Nordics, Intel

09:50 - 10:40

Driving Software Development Success: The Strategic Benefits of an Internal Development Platform Integrated with Golden Path  (Room A)

Business session

Discover the strategic advantages of implementing an Internal Development Platform (IDP) like, and how it can be integrated with Golden Path to establish standardized software development processes throughout your organization. Explore how this approach can enhance collaboration, boost productivity, and improve the quality of software delivery. Join us to uncover a proven strategy for achieving success in your software development projects, and don't miss out on this opportunity to take your organization to the next level.

Robert Börjesson,

SSP AppDev, Red Hat Sweden

Red Hat Enterprise Linux  (Room B)

Technical session

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) can help bring consistency to modern private, hybrid and public cloud based application landscapes. This session shows a demo and gives you the foundational insight to how RHEL can help you manage your environment in a consistent manner regardless of where your application is running, when moving to the public cloud.

Johan Wennerberg,

Senior Solutions Architect, Red Hat

10:40 - 11:00

Coffee & exhibition

(Partner area)

11:00 - 11:50

Opportunities to be gained from challenging silo thinking and taking an Enterprise wide perspective to IT Process Automation  (Room A)

Business session

Darren Long,

Sales Specialist Automation, Red Hat

Paving the Golden Path for your developers with and an Internal Development Platform (IDP)  (Room B)

Technical session

In this session we will explore the concepts of Internal Development Platforms (IDP), Golden Path and Developer Portals in detail. We will discuss how IDP can help organizations achieve faster development cycles, reduce costs, and improve software quality. We will also look at Red Hat’s project Janus. Janus is a Red Hat sponsored community for building Internal Development Platforms and Plugins with

Martin Östmark ,

Principal Specialist Solution Architect, Red Hat

11:50 - 13:15

Lunch & exhibition

Lunch & learn with Dynatrace  (Room A)


Lunch & learn with Dynatrace

How Dynatrace AI detects problems automatically, how Dynatrace can help you understand business impact and root cause analysis & how to do observability with Kubernetes/Openshift, Azure, AWS and GCP

Johan Andersson ,

Solution Engineer, Dynatrace

Magnus Bergman,

Solutions Engineer, Dynatrace

Lunch & learn with HPE  (Room B)


OpenShift as a service: Now available on-prem by HPE GreenLake

In this session HPE will talk about “HPE GreenLake for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform” which is an as-a-service hybrid cloud container service that is built for cloud-native application development and deployment across hybrid cloud environments.

Per Strömqvist,


Joel Eriksson,


Stefan Ekebom,


Lunch & learn with Novian IT  (Room A)


The Impact of OpenShift on Organizational Transformation and Culture

This session explores the profound impact OpenShift has on organizational transformation and culture. Through case studies and real-world examples, attendees will gain insights into how OpenShift enables companies to embrace DevOps practices, streamline development workflows, and foster a culture of collaboration and innovation. Join us to learn how OpenShift has become a catalyst for driving organizational change and empowering teams to deliver software solutions more efficiently and effectively.

Liudvikas Daubaras,

Head of Business Unit, IT Projects, Novian Technologies

13:15 - 14:05

Red Hat Open Shift Container Platform  (Room B)

Technical session

This session gives you foundational insight to how Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform can help you manage your environment in a consistent manner regardless of where your application is running, when moving to the public cloud. Get a demo packed briefing on how Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform can help bring consistency to modern private, hybrid and public cloud based application landscapes.

Magnus Eklund,

Specialist Solution Architect, Red Hat

14:05 - 14:30

Coffee & exhibition

(Room B)

14:30 - 15:20

Customer session: DIGG  (Room A)

Application development at Digg - Building, testing, and deploying in OpenShift

This session provides an overview of Digg's application development process, including our projects, OpenShift usage, technology stack, and deployment procedures. Digg is involved in application development using OpenShift for building, testing, and deployment. Our responsibilities include managing digital infrastructure and implementing secure digital communication projects. The development teams have grown over time, and we are currently working on various IT projects such as Säker Digital Kommunikation, Single Digital Gateway, and Digital Post. OpenShift is used with three clusters for different stages: Dev, Stage, and Prod. We utilize Tekton pipelines, Kustomize for configuration, and ArgoCD for deployment synchronization.

Erik Lidström,

Lösningsarkitekt, Plattformsteamet Digg

Sebastian Strindlund,

Utvecklare Plattformsteamet Digg

Automation  (Room B)

Technical session

This session gives you foundational insight to how Ansible can help you when moving to public cloud. Get a demo packed briefing on how Ansible and Ansible Automation Platform can help bring consistency to modern private, hybrid and public cloud based application landscapes.

Jens Boivie,

Solutions Architect, Red Hat

15:30 - 16:00

Closing words

(Partner area)



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Share your company’s message with some of the brightest minds in the open source ecosystem, including Red Hat customers, partners, and community contributors.

Contact our partner manager Marianne Aslund for sponsorship details via

An event roadshow brought to you by


Date: August 29, 2023

Time: 08:00 - 18:00

Location: Clarion Hotel Sundsvall,
Skepparegatan 9,
852 34 Sundsvall,

If you have any questions about the event, contact us via