In-person event

Red Hat at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024

March 19, 2024 - March 22, 2024 Paris, France
Event menu

In person event

Red Hat at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024

Visit the Red Hat Booth #E1 onsite in the Solutions Showcase to speak with our open source experts. As the largest open source company in the world, we build and support open source products from open source projects. With open source, we equip our customers for success.

Connect to discuss AI, security, developer tools, Red Hat OpenShift®, and talk all things open with our team.

Co-located events

Proud sponsor of co-located events

diamond sponsor


Tuesday, March 19 | 9:00 - 17:00

Keynote: Accelerating Backstage Adoption in Enterprises | Balaji Sivasubramanian

Diamond Sponsor

KubeFlow Summit

Tuesday, March 19 | 1:15 - 17:00

Keynote: Driving AI Innovation the Open Way | Jeremy Eder

Platinum Sponsor


Tuesday, March 19 | 9:00 - 17:00

Platinum Sponsor

Platform Engineering Day

Tuesday, March 19 | 9:00 - 17:00

OpenShift Commons Gathering

Tuesday, March 19 | 9:00 - 17:00

Occurring in-person & virtually

This Hybrid OpenShift Commons Gathering will be held in-person and all talks will be delivered live and streamed live via Hopin to attendees around the globe. As always, our focus is on creating a welcoming and inclusive space for peer-to-peer interactions online. This Gathering will focus on talks from and by Cloud Native practitioners with production deployments sharing their use cases, insights into their workloads and lessons learned along the way.

Connect to discuss AI, security, developer tools, Red Hat OpenShift®, and talk all things open with our team.

OpenShift Commons Logo

Live Coding

Join Red Hat at Booth #E1 for live coding sessions!

Wednesday, March 20

10:45 Remote Serverless App Deployment with OpenShift Serverless & Pipeline

12:45 Simplifying Containers and Kubernetes with Podman Desktop

18:00 Race to the Finish Line with OpenShift, Tekton Chains and ArgoCD

Thursday, March 21

10:30 Remote Serverless App Deployment with OpenShift Serverless & Pipeline

16:00 Race to the Finish Line with OpenShift, Tekton Chains and ArgoCD

Friday, March 22

10:30 Remote Serverless App Deployment with OpenShift Serverless & Pipeline

12:30 Race to the Finish Line with OpenShift, Tekton Chains and ArgoCD


A Cloud Native Overture to Enterprise End User Adoption

Thursday, March 21 | 09:40 - 09:45 CET

Michael Hanulec, Vice President & Technology Fellow, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC

Fabien Deutsch, KubeVirt Core Maintainer & Senior Engineering Manager, Red Hat

When is music at its best? When you are in concert. Goldman Sachs - a Cloud Native End User - was envisioning this for their applications: Eliminating intermediate layers, reducing complexity, and putting their applications closer to where the harmonies blend - close to the platform. Kubernetes - paired with KubeVirt, as well as other CNCF ecosystem projects such as Prometheus, Argo CD, and Rook - is now serving as a unified, open-source, and forward looking platform, running thousands of their existing VMs at scale. And setting the stage for a frictionless adoption of cloud-native applications and development models.

Speaking Sessions

Join Red Hat for more than 40 speaking sessions!

As you are building your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe agenda, be sure to include some of Red Hat's speaking sessions. Red Hatters will be delivering over 40 sessions at KubeCon this year, spanning several topics and interest areas. 

theCUBE at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe

Red Hat is proud to be the Headline sponsor of theCUBE. Watch live broadcasts and on-demand conversations during and after the event. 

Partner Pod

Discover the power of our partners

We believe that collaborative communities of experts create the best open source, IT, and customer experiences. So we’ve connected trusted partners into a powerful ecosystem. At KubeCon, we'll showcase a number of our partners through sessions and demos at Booth #E1. 

Wednesday, March 20

11:00 Kasten K10: Enterprise Data Protection for OpenShift Anywhere • Kasten by Veeam

12:00 Using Confidential Containers for Fraud Detection in the Financial Services Industry • Intel

13:00 Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud • IBM

15:00 Nutanix Cloud platform, the best place to host your OpenShift clusters • Nutanix

16:00 APEX Cloud Platform for OpenShift - RedHat & Dell Technologies better together • Dell

17:00 Infinidat and OpenShift Making Containers Easy at Petabyte Scale • Infinidat

18:00 Using OpenShift Virtualization to manage containers and VMs on Arm64 • Ampere Computing

19:00 Red Hat Managed Openshift and private clusters • Google

Thursday, March 21

10:30 Unleashing the Power of PostgreSQL in Red Hat OpenShift • EDB

11:30 Scale and secure your Production-Grade OpenShift with F5 NGINX Ingress Controller • NGINX

12:30 Taming the Container Chaos: Conquering Complexity and Cloud Sprawl • Dynatrace

13:30 A Dive into Modern Release Orchestration on Red Hat OpenShift:
Bridging Cloud-Native and Traditional CI/CD with CloudBees and Computacenter • CloudBees

14:30 Disaster Recovery for OpenShift • NetApp

15:30 Cloudera turbo-charges AI performance with OpenShift • Cloudera

16:30 ROSA HCP • AWS

Friday, March 22

10:30 Portworx - The Platform for containerized and virtual workloads on OpenShift • Portworx

11:30 Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) - A modern platform for Intelligent Apps • Microsoft

12:30 Orchestrating edge to cloud infrastructure and applications with Red Hat OpenShift • Aarna Networks

13:20 Red Hat OpenShift on Distributed Cloud IBM Cloud Satellite • IBM
