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Across industries, organizations are moving to a cloud environment as part of their digital strategy. In fact, enterprise organizations run 50% of their workloads and store 48% of their data in a public cloud. Your choice of operating system (OS) and cloud provider are strategic decisions. Your OS forms the foundation for your entire environment. Security, management, portability, and life cycle planning start with the OS.

Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® on Amazon Web Services (AWS) can deliver more value for your organization, providing a flexible, stable, and reliable foundation for innovation. This webinar describes how setting a foundation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux for both on-site datacenter and AWS environments can help you improve productivity, security, and operations as you move to the cloud and adapt to an increasingly digital world.

In this webinar you’ll learn about how Red Hat Enterprise Linux on AWS gives you access to:

  • Global, security-focused cloud infrastructure and services.
  • Consistent user experience across datacenter and AWS.
  • Flexible consumption models and purchasing options.
  • Award-winning support and expertise.
  • A new Red Hat migration offering on AWS that offers CentOS Linux users a more straightforward way to migrate to Red Hat Enterprise LInux and receive extended life cycle support after the CentOS Linux end of life date.

Live Event Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 | 3 p.m. ET

On-demand event: Available for one year afterward.

Mayur Shetty

Mayur Shetty

Principal Ecosystem Solution Architect, Red Hat

Mayur Shetty is a Principal Solution Architect with Red Hat’s Global Partners and Alliances Organisation (GPA) working closely with AWS. He has been with Red Hat for more than 5 years, where he was previously part of the OpenStack Tiger Team. Prior to Red Hat he worked as a
senior solution architect driving solutions with OpenStack Swift, Ceph®, and other object storage software.

David Duncan

David Duncan

Partner Solution Architect, AWS

David Duncan has been an AWS Partner Solution Architect for more than 7 years. He is keenly focused on open source software and upstream contributions, and is responsible for the technical strategy and governance of open source platform partners. David is a key Red Hat advocate at AWS, collaborating with Red Hat and our joint customers to define and manage technical adoption of our solutions on the AWS environment.