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In the dynamic world of enterprise integration, the shift from traditional architectures to modern, cloud-native applications presents both opportunities and challenges. This presentation delves into the evolution of enterprise integration landscapes, highlighting the transformation from past methodologies to today's agile, cloud-centric approaches. We will explore how the Red Hat build of Apache Camel addresses enterprise integration challenges in modern applications. This presentation aims to provide insights into leveraging Apache Camel for optimizing enterprise integration strategies in the cloud-native era.

In this webinar, we will cover:

  • Changes in the landscape of enterprise integration then and now
  • How Apache Camel addresses Enterprise Integration challenges in modern cloud-native applications
  • How Apache Camel optimizes developer experience
  • Explore some of the latest enhancements to the Red Hat build of Apache Camel

Live event date: Wednesday, June 5, 2024 | 10 a.m. ET

On-demand event: Available for one year afterward.

Ivo Bek

Senior Product Manager, Red Hat

Ivo Bek is a product manager focusing on application development and integrations in hybrid cloud. He cares for enabling development teams with technologies which adapt to rapidly changing environments, driven by his passion for open source principles. With over a decade of experience in enterprise application development, Ivo has a unique perspective on business automation and integration solutions.

Otavio Piske

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat

Otavio is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat where he works developing solutions for microservices, cloud and integration. He has been involved with messaging and integration technologies for the last 17 years. He is a committer and a member of the Apache Camel PMC.

Mike Ward

Principal Product Manager,  Red Hat

Michael is Principal Product Marketing Manager in the Application Developer group at Red Hat. He has been involved in the development, product management and marketing of data center infrastructure & application software for over 20 years . Now at Red Hat, Michael focuses on product marketing for a collection of open-source projects centered around simplifying developers' efforts in building and deploying applications for the open hybrid cloud.