
Automating tasks using Ansible and remote execution in Red Hat Satellite

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Remote execution in Red Hat® Satellite is a powerful feature that helps system administrators manage their ever-growing environments more efficiently and effectively by remotely running shell scripts on Satellite hosts.

But its capabilities don’t end there. You can also configure Satellite to automate repetitive tasks via remote execution using Ansible, further standardising your infrastructure and freeing up resources for high-value activities.

Join us on 13 November at 10.00 CET for this episode of The TAM Your Tech Hour and discover how you can simplify and optimise your IT operations.

This webinar is intended for system administrators new to managing systems with Satellite.

Our expert Technical Account Manager (TAM) will take you through:

  • Red Hat solutions for building and maintaining standard operating environments (SOEs)
  • An overview of remote execution using Ansible in Satellite
  • A live demo of remote execution, including running ad-hoc commands and executing Ansible playbooks
  • Satellite and Cockpit integration
  • How TAMs can accelerate your Satellite adoption


Stefan Meyer
Stefan Meyer
Senior Technical Account Manager, Red Hat