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Artificial intelligence (AI) gives organisations a way to gain significant value from the troves of data they collect, delivering business insights, automating tasks, and advancing system capabilities. It has the potential to transform all aspects of a business, helping it achieve its goals by:

  • Facilitating smarter and faster decision-making
  • Automating operations and boosting productivity
  • Optimising existing business offerings
  • Driving new product and service innovation
  • Reducing costs and increasing revenue
  • Improving customer satisfaction and loyalty

Getting started, however, can be challenging — but our platforms provide a foundation on which you can build, deploy, monitor, and use AI models and applications, backed by the power of the open source community.

Join us on 30 October at 10.00 CET for this episode of The TAM Your Tech Hour and learn how you can lower the entry barriers for AI, particularly around large language model (LLM) management.

Our expert Technical Account Managers (TAMs) will take you through:

  • An overview of Red Hat's solutions for building and using AI
  • A live demo of the InstructLab community, a cost-effective solution for enhancing LLMs
  • The role of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), a method of supplementing LLMs with domain-specific knowledge
  • How TAMs can accelerate your AI adoption


Anne Faulhaber
Anne Faulhaber
Senior Technical Account Manager, Red Hat 
Cyril Lopez 400x400
Cyril Lopez
Senior Technical Account Manager, Red Hat