Open APIs for Insurance

The insurance industry has undergone significant shifts, with the push for innovative digital services leading to new product models, mobile capabilities, and the pursuit of advanced automation. While APIs are important for giving policyholders access to their data, traditional approaches lacked agility, requiring more effort to operate and manage. Red Hat can help with a platform and associated services to create, connect, scale, share and secure APIs for various insurance initiatives.

Enhancing education with open source technology

In today’s digital world, academic and research institutions are navigating a new educational and data-driven environment: one that’s driven by technology and connectivity. As the leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions, Red Hat helps institutions meet security requirements, as well as automate and manage their complex environments using an interoperable hybrid cloud approach.

Red Hat Tech Talks: Apache Spark on OpenShift

This Tech Talk introduces the concepts of running Spark workloads on Red Hat OpenShift container platform, allowing the use of a container based system for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence solutions. It walks through building a simple Spark application, deploying it directly onto an OpenShift cluster via the command line and also using the Spark Operator to run Spark workloads via simple YAML. If you are interested in Machine Learning and AI on OpenShift this is a good starting point.

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