CyberArk boosts revenue by securing Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

As an established leader in privileged access management and identity security capabilities, CyberArk helps the world’s leading organizations secure their most critical digital assets. CyberArk partnered to build Red Hat certified integrations, which offer joint customers end-to-end security for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. This unique offering allows Red Hat and CyberArk to increase revenue and grow their accounts through more efficient and secure business solutions. 


  • Increased revenue year over year
  • Opened access to customer’s wider IT organization to build new relationships
  • Enhanced security for users by automating credentials management

Protecting critical digital assets worldwide

For more than a decade, the world’s leading organizations have trusted CyberArk to help them secure their most critical digital assets. Today, the growing software security company protects more than 6,600 global businesses—including most of the Fortune 500—and a majority of Fortune banks and insurance, pharmaceutical, energy, and manufacturing companies rely on CyberArk.

With its U.S. headquarters in Massachusetts and main office in Illinois, CyberArk offers customers solutions focused on privileged access management (PAM) identity security and DevSecOps. More than 2,000 staff members, located in offices around the globe, help security leaders get ahead of cyber threats, specifically cyberattacks against an organization’s most critical assets. “Typically the most privileged users inside an organization have access to the most sensitive information,” said John Walsh, Senior Product Marketing Manager at CyberArk. But the lines between the trusted insider, third-party vendor, and outsiders have started to blur and even disappear as sophisticated supply chain attacks like SolarWinds materialize. “It’s zero-trust—you really can’t tell who the outsiders and the insiders are anymore.”

CyberArk is helping customers move their critical strategies forward more securely. Work from home dynamics and demand for efficiency have motivated companies to accelerate their digital transformations and cloud migration plans. And, with that, customers have a heightened sense of urgency around CyberArk’s PAM and identity solutions. 

Offering customers end-to-end security for Ansible and OpenShift

A Red Hat partner since 2016, CyberArk is in the top four strategic security partners, and one of the highest revenue generating in the Global Partner Alliances (GPA) program, specifically in the security segment. GPA helps Red Hat partners build, expand, and sell software applications. As a result of the continued collaboration between the two organizations, CyberArk was recently awarded the Collaboration Technology Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Partner Of The Year, announced at Red Hat Summit 2021.

The partnership is not localized to a specific region—it covers North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific and Japan, across a range of sectors. Red Hat elevated CyberArk to Globally Managed Partner in 2018. “We have a dedicated Red Hat resource,” said Joanne Wu, VP of Business Development at CyberArk. “When Red Hat runs campaigns or events, or goes to market, we are often, if not always, one of the top partners approached for these invitation-only strategic initiatives.”

The partnership offers Red Hat customers enhanced security for Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. “Just like any good partnership, we complement and support each other as Red Hat is a market leader in container management and automation,” said Walsh, “while CyberArk is a market leader in privileged access management and identity security. Together, we not only help each other, but we also offer a better solution to our customers.”

Red Hat and CyberArk collaborate on rich content such as whitepapers, a hands-on workshop that shows how the technologies integrate, and videos to increase customer skill levels.

Integrating leading solutions

Red Hat and CyberArk work together on Red Hat certified integrations to offer a solution that secures secrets and credentials in  Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform and within the DevOps environments of Red Hat OpenShift. Red Hat OpenShift is an enterprise-ready Kubernetes container platform with full-stack automated operations to manage hybrid cloud, multicloud, and edge deployments. “CyberArk secures application secrets and the access they provide for Red Hat technologies, rotating them, auditing, and authenticating access according to best practices,” said Walsh.

CyberArk’s Conjur provides a comprehensive, centralized solution for securing credentials and secrets for applications, containers, and continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools across native cloud and DevOps environments. CyberArk Conjur integrates with Red Hat OpenShift to provide ways to simplify and strengthen security by safeguarding the credentials used by applications running in OpenShift containers.

CyberArk and Red Hat provide more than 10 integrations to enhance security and protect automation environments for Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. CyberArk makes these available as certified integrations on its marketplace, empowering DevOps and security teams to automatically secure and manage the credentials and secrets used by IT resources and CI/CD tools.

These integrations simplify how operations teams write and use playbooks to more securely access credentials. Credentials are centrally managed and secured by CyberArk. Secrets used by Ansible Playbooks are automatically secured and rotated by CyberArk based on the organization’s policy.

Building a strong alliance: Red Hat and CyberArk increase revenue through partnership

Increased revenue year over year

Red Hat and CyberArk increase revenue for each other through their partnership, with revenue growing year over year. “CyberArk influences a Red Hat deal being closed and, vice versa, Red Hat helps CyberArk to find opportunities and close deals,” said Wu. “Both companies benefit from the value proposition. It’s a true win-win.”

By mutually developing their pipeline over the years, both Red Hat and CyberArk have witnessed exponential growth in the number of accounts where they jointly present their value proposition.

Opened access to the wider organization

Red Hat helps CyberArk gain access to the DevOps team, and CyberArk helps Red Hat gain access to security teams. “CyberArk is mostly speaking to the security teams, all the way up to the CSO [Chief Security Officer],” said Wu. “Red Hat has given us visibility to the infrastructure side of the house.”

Most importantly, the partnership with Red Hat helps CyberArk build relationships with DevOps teams using Ansible Automation Platform for their CI/CD pipeline, and looking for security solutions. CyberArk is then able to include security solutions with those DevOps projects. “Red Hat has helped CyberArk reach the IT organization,” said Walsh. “Red Hat enables CyberArk to provide our security solutions and Red Hat integrations as a stronger solution, to raise awareness, and to expand our market reach.”

Stayed aware of the latest developments

CyberArk’s close relationship with Red Hat means it is always fully informed about how Red Hat technologies are evolving, and, with that, it can ensure its security solutions are always fully aligned with new Red Hat features and products. “Having visibility into the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform roadmap means we can stay ahead while developing our integrations,” said Wu.

When Red Hat released Ansible security automation, CyberArk was one of the first ISVs to develop an integration. And when Ansible Automation Platform first included collections, CyberArk quickly packaged its collection to ensure it was available on Ansible Automation Hub.

Enhanced security for users

The partnership ensures customers get a more efficient and hardened implementation, whether with Red Hat OpenShift or Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.

Joint customers can find CyberArk’s Red Hat Certified integrations on the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog and Ansible Automation Hub. CyberArk also has native integration with Ansible Automation Platform, built in at the product level.

The integrations are not only free but also jointly supported by both Red Hat and CyberArk. Customers do not need to invest any development resources because the integrations do not require any code.

CyberArk logo


Security Software


Newton, Massachusetts, United States


More than 2,000 employees

Partner resources

Red Hat Global Independent Software Vendor Program, Red Hat Partner Connect Certification Program


Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform , Red Hat Ansible® Automation Platform

Icon-Red_Hat-Media_and_documents-Quotemark_Open-B-Red-RGB It’s really rewarding to see this win-win partnership between Red Hat and CyberArk that truly benefits both companies—and their customers.

Joanne Wu

VP of Business Development, CyberArk

Icon-Red_Hat-Media_and_documents-Quotemark_Open-B-Red-RGB Red Hat enables CyberArk to provide our security solutions and Red Hat integrations for a stronger solution, to raise awareness, and to expand our market reach.

John Walsh

Senior Product Marketing Manager, CyberArk

Expanding on successes with Red Hat

Looking to the future, CyberArk is planning to build on its already strong partnership with Red Hat. “We’ve had a tremendous co-selling effort in the U.S. and EMEA [Europe, Middle East, and Africa], and I’d like to see that expand even more so to APJ [Asia Pacific and Japan] and South America,” said Wu. “And we’re also planning to get closer and increase reach in the public sector.”

The security solutions company is also eager to expand its Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform integrations. CyberArk will soon be the first partner to develop a reference architecture with Ansible Automation Platform.

CyberArk is a leader in PAM and identity security. Red Hat is a leader in DevOps and hybrid cloud technology. Their strong alliance offers significant benefits and value for customers. “It’s really rewarding to see this win-win partnership between Red Hat and CyberArk that truly benefits both companies—and their customers,” said Wu. 

About CyberArk

CyberArk is the global leader in privileged access management—a critical layer of IT security to protect data, infrastructure, and assets across the enterprise, cloud, and throughout the DevOps pipeline. CyberArk pioneered the market and remains the leader in securing enterprises against insider threats. Today, only CyberArk delivers a new category of targeted security solutions that help leaders stop reacting to cyber threats and get ahead of them, preventing attack escalation before irreparable business harm is done.

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