Red Hat Consulting offering: Navigate


Regardless of the current implementation stage of your project, Red Hat® Consulting offering: Navigate is an experience-driven framework that helps you understand, plan, and move toward the successful adoption of Red Hat technologies. A Navigate engagement, offered by Red Hat Consulting, aligns your existing and future strategy goals with your current technology to create a plan for optimizing your approach and accelerating your time to value.

When using the Navigate framework, experienced Red Hat Architects run a series of workshops covering technical and business areas which are critical for realizing the adoption and subsequent value from innovative technology.

Getting started

Following an initial discovery session that establishes the context and areas of priority for your business strategy and technology landscape, Red Hat will propose an agenda of relevant workshops, which form the core of the Navigate engagement, and provide the foundational starting point for you to begin achieving your organization’s goals. 

An additional benefit is to provide ways in which you can use Red Hat open source technology to meet your desired business priorities. Our architects and consultants help guide your team through a phased, sprint-based engagement to develop and operationalize a foundational platform as a testbed and proving ground for IT capabilities and operations. 

The output of the Navigate engagement will be a report presenting the focus areas discussed, effective options for meeting your requirements, the initial scope and priorities, and an approach for the next phase to reaching your defined business outcomes.


A complimentary, highly interactive Red Hat Services Discovery Session, led by Red Hat Consulting for vision and approach helps summarize your current IT landscape and outlines focus areas for Navigate engagement.

  • Current business and IT landscape 
    • General architecture
    • Operations approach
  • Business objectives
  • Ongoing and planned projects
  • Focus areas
  • Pain points
  • Organizational skill profile
  • Timelines

Red Hat Services Discovery Sessions are a precursor to Navigate, designed to clarify goals and challenges and align key stakeholders on the objectives, dependencies, and results of the desired solution.

Navigate workshops for IT modernization and application development

Navigate is part of a family of modernization solutions that provides a roadmap for successfully adopting and scaling modern development and operations approaches within the enterprise. Keeping business value as the ultimate decision-making loadstar, Red Hat Consulting will work with you on all stages of modernization, from aligning teams around improved development and operations practices, to expanding them in your organization, and ultimately helping to lay the groundwork for self-sustained growth within the business. 

A series of workshops will be held with your team and stakeholders focused on one or more specific business or technical topic areas related to your priority areas, e.g., containers, automation, etc. 

Each workshop will explore a distinct topic in detail and will address organizational, process, and technology dimensions. Wherever possible our experts will outline industry standard methods, techniques, and practices during the workshops to assist you in realizing the value of Red Hat enterprise open source technology adoption within your organization.

Topics may include:

  • Strategy
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • External dependencies
  • Operations
  • Application development
  • Security
  • Provisioning
  • Automation
  • Storage
  • Networking

Navigate output

The following output is provided following each Navigate customer engagement. 

  • Navigate engagement report summarizing findings and recommendations
  • A forward-looking strategy with an intelligent plan and recommended next steps
  • Executive presentation

Get started with Red Hat Consulting

Red Hat Consulting helps customers quickly, iteratively, and strategically achieve value while building capabilities throughout the enterprise. During your engagement, teams use the technology while learning and adopting the methods and skills needed to sustain success now and into the future.

Our experts help your stakeholders explore, establish, scale, and expand a unified digital transformation strategy focused around best-in-class open source technology, practices, and culture that meets your unique business needs. Examine the following phases provided by our experts as described in Table 1.

Table 1. Red Hat Consulting Navigation engagement

Solution overview

  • Define top business priorities and technical challenges
  • Establish collaborative IT innovation to align with and achieve business goals 
  • Develop new practices for designing and delivering responsive business capabilities

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Phases Description

Discuss goals, solution approaches, and next steps to:

  • Identify challenges and potential issues, as well as viable approaches and technologies, necessary participants, and desired outcomes.
  • Outline current state, target state, and opportunities for change.

Develop an intelligent plan that delivers a(n):

  • Analysis of the current state architecture and organizational practices for the migration.
  • Strategy across people, processes, and technologies to create a nimble, robust enterprise.
  • Architecture definition that addresses target environments.

Work with Red Hat's subject matter experts, who will integrate with and guide your team to:

  • Establish strategies to build a collaborative culture, determine responsibilities, foster new skills, and accelerate innovation.
  • Adapt existing applications and build new cloud-native services to provide the full benefits of modern platforms.
  • Deliver more secure, resilient new environments and practices to efficiently deploy, manage, and scale workloads that support your business strategy.

The Red Hat Consulting difference

Working directly with Red Hat engineering and support organizations, Red Hat Consulting teams bring advanced skills to deliver solutions using Red Hat products and open standards. With exclusive insight into upcoming features and product roadmaps, nobody is better positioned to align teams, streamline processes, and make enterprise systems and applications work together using open source and proprietary technologies.

  • Straight from the source: Red Hat Consulting teams communicate directly with Red Hat support and product development organizations. Many of our consultants are also active contributors to the upstream open source communities behind Red Hat technologies, so they bring unparalleled expertise. 
  • Diverse technical experience: Red Hat Consulting maintains deep expertise with open source and proprietary systems and applications platforms. Our comprehensive understanding of the technology market helps us provide clients with a complete view of their environment. Our guidance is based on a holistic understanding of building enterprise systems, not just our own products. 
  • Mentor-based approach: Red Hat Consulting’s approach gives clients the information and skills they need to move to Red Hat solutions in a safe and efficient manner. Red Hat believes that knowledge must be open and shared, just like source code.
  • Crucial, real-world training: Red Hat Training and Certification develops role-based knowledge through hands-on training covering emerging and foundational open source technologies. It helps build real-world skills that support critical commoditization and transformation projects alike.

Ready to get started? Contact a Red Hat Consulting expert to talk about your business needs.