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Hand-in-hand with the explosive growth of data and iCloud services comes a range of security threats, all of which can be addressed with software-defined storage. To learn how, register for the following webinars – the link is at the bottom of the post!

Attack vectors used against storage technologies


To better prepare you for threats, Neil Levine, Director of product management, Red Hat Ceph, Red Hat, explores potential security issues, pitfalls, and attack vectors used against storage technologies. Then, to provide avenues to address these security threats, Levine discusses how the industry has converged on an open software-defined storage model that can offer more robust security than traditional systems. And, along the way, Levine will provide use best practices you can employ in your organization including these key tips for building security in a Linux environment:

  • Close ports, limit users
  • Shutdown unnecessary processes
  • Don’t run as root
  • Use https and ssh only
  • MAC: SELinux, AppArmor

Enterprise-grade security from Red Hat Storage


Jeff Darcy, Principal software engineer, Red Hat, provides a detailed view of new features that enable a secure and robust environment in the latest release of the Red Hat Storage portfolio. Features that will arm you to both protect and defend against the security threats facing IT departments, today.

For example, key features when running in an SELinux environment include:

  • Two levels: internal vs. external
  • Internal: RHGS servers use SELinux themselves
  • Community: not our package, user must set up
  • External: we store and propagate users’ SELinux labels
  • Interpretation/enforcement done on clients

To register for these webinars, click here.



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