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The Fedora community will be hosting its very first Raspberry Pi “Bake-off” contest to highlight the many uses of the Raspberry Pi and its functional capabilities as it runs on Fedora. Red Hat Summit participants are invited to visit the Fedora booth in the Hynes Convention Center on Wednesday and Thursday, June 12-13, and tinker to their heart’s content.

Pidora is a Fedora-based Linux distribution designed specifically for the Raspberry Pi that includes software packages from the Fedora ARM project and a small number of additional packages that aren't usually included in Fedora. Learn how to get Pidora up and running.

Raspberry Pis, cobbler kits, breadboards, and assorted other devices from LEDs to webcams to USB rocket launchers, will be available at the Fedora booth, where contest participants may choose parts to make the most interesting Raspberry Pi invention. At the end of the contest, the inventions will be reviewed by three judges awarding points, scored based on:

  • 50% novel use of the Raspberry Pi
  • 30% complete and working Pi device
  • 20% ingenuity and quality of design

If you don’t finish your project in one day, don’t worry! The Fedora team will keep the projects overnight and mark them with participants' names so they can be finished the next day.

On Thursday, June 13 at 3:00 p.m. EDT, the Fedora team will announce the winner of the contest, who will receive a Raspberry Pi and $70 gift certificate to Adafruit’s online store.

Click here to view the complete contest rules.



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