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Today, we’re pleased to announce that the next release of the Cygwin library (version 2.5.2) will be available under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3. The Cygwin library is the core of the Cygwin project, which includes a distribution of the popular GNU tools and other open source tools designed to enable easier porting of Linux applications to Microsoft Windows. This change to the Cygwin library, previously available under the GNU General Public License, opens up a variety of commercial opportunities for companies to use the newest Cygwin versions in their products.

Cygwin contains thousands of open source packages, including most GNU tools, an X server and a full set of X applications. Cygwin also enables easier porting of many UNIX programs without the need for extensive changes to the source code, offering capabilities for configuring and building most of the available GNU software, including the packages included with the Cygwin distribution themselves.

For more information on Cygwin, the Cygwin community and to try Cygwin out for yourself, visit



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