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Congratulations to the FUEL project community for winning a 2014 Manthan Award in the e-Localisation category last week. The Manthan Award is an annual award that recognizes exceptional digital content creation in South Asia. Chandrakant Dhutadmal, a FUEL project core member, accepted the Manthan Award for e-localization on behalf of the project. {:align="right"}

Initiated by Red Hat, the FUEL Project is the largest repository of standard linguistic resources in the field of free and open source software. The FUEL (Frequently Used Entries for Localization) project community works to create standard linguistic and technical resources, such as standardized terminology and translation style, and the FUEL GILT Conference is the largest FOSS localization industry conference.

Learn more about the project in our recent report on the 2014 FUEL GILT Conference, which was held in India in November.



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