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According to the 2023 Global Tech outlook, skill and talent gaps remain a top digital transformation barrier for organizations. Retaining, upskilling and scaling for the future involves promoting continuous learning by offering training and development opportunities to expand your team's skills, knowledge and competencies.

Technical proficiency is critical to your organization’s efforts to reduce the gap between the rapid influx of new technologies and being able to effectively implement them to meet business goals. Getting full value from new technologies requires strong commitment, self motivation, effective time management, organizational support and the right skills. Developing and maintaining technical proficiency requires a blended approach to training that combines online learning platforms, collaborative knowledge sharing and practical exercises.

Online learning platforms, such as Red Hat Learning Subscription, offer technical professionals guided paths to achieve and maintain mastery of technology and process skills. Learning platforms generally provide a flexible way to acquire new skills while improving knowledge retention by linking continuous learning closely to practical application with hands-on labs. The best platforms support a personalized learning experience to help your organization remain competitive and attract new employees.

It is important to assess online learning platforms by identifying whether they offer the content and learning characteristics necessary for your success. To be effective, the platforms must be capable of supplying the right content at the right time, available in the format and device the user prefers. 

Organizations need to be confident that they have knowledgeable teams learning relevant skills from top experts. Red Hat Learning Subscription helps teams maintain skills and gain knowledge about emerging technologies, providing access to training on the entire portfolio of Red Hat products and technologies. The platform allows learners to take live courses, access video instruction, download ebooks, practice in cloud-based labs, prepare for certification and more—all at their own pace. The content is created and updated by Red Hat experts, providing the latest and most effective content for learning.

Skills paths

Red Hat Learning Subscription also offers skills paths designed to provide a roadmap to a specific learning goal. Each skills path is unique to selected product sets or the learner's skill set. Currently there are over 50 different skill paths provided by Red Hat, which can guide participants through skill development, job role growth or certification. In addition to Red Hat’s predefined paths, you can create your own custom paths based on the courses and exams that are important to your organization’s goals.

Figure 1: Red Hat Learning Subscription skills path

Figure 1: Red Hat Learning Subscription skills path

Most learning platforms offer a trial so users can experience the product first-hand, understand how it works and see if the product delivers the right value for them before buying it. A trial can be used to evaluate the user experience, skills paths, content and curriculum and multimedia capabilities.

Red Hat Learning Subscription provides the critical skills training you need through a flexible and easy-to-manage platform. Try Red Hat Learning Subscription's new 14-day trial to explore the first two chapters of courses, experience Red Hat products with four hours of lab time and outline a custom learning path.


Christopher Schunke is the product manager for the Red Hat Learning Subscription. He has spent his career specializing in user experience design, primarily focused on IT training. His goal is to bring Red Hat Training and Certification students a world-class learning experience platform.

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