Today we are pleased to announce that GlusterFS, the scale-out, distributed file system solution from the Gluster Community, a Red Hat-sponsored open source community, now supports the three primary modes of storage for OpenStack: file, block and object. These newly-documented capabilities of using GlusterFS behind OpenStack storage interfaces works with the new RDO announced today by Red Hat. RDO is a freely-available, community-supported distribution of OpenStack that runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora, and their derivatives. RDO offers a pristine upstream OpenStack experience with the latest stable release from, packaged, integrated and easy to deploy on Red Hat platforms.
Achieved through community-driven innovation, GlusterFS support for OpenStack enables OpenStack cloud developers and operators to use GlusterFS today to support the three primary OpenStack storage modes. Instructions for using GlusterFS with OpenStack are now documented for the native OpenStack storage interfaces Swift, Cinder, and Glance. This allows OpenStack application developers and service providers to gain the benefits of Gluster’s scale-out storage software.
Red Hat utilizes technology incubated from the Gluster Community for Red Hat Storage to provide a cost-effective and open alternative to proprietary storage schemes to meet enterprise storage requirements. Later this calendar year, Red Hat expects to productize the new GlusterFS for OpenStack capabilities into Red Hat Storage for private, public and hybrid clouds. Red Hat Storage allows for significant operating cost reductions through a unified, interoperable management interface and scalable architecture that runs on commodity hardware.
For more information on GlusterFS visit Documentation links can be found on the RDO site here. For more information on OpenStack, visit the OpenStack Foundation here.
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