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These are exciting times for the Fedora Project. Earlier this year, we released Fedora 20, “Heisenbug,” and, as you read, are hard at work on, the next-generation of the Fedora operating system which aims to span the workstation to the cloud.
As the Fedora operating system is changing, so too is our leadership. After two years and four successful releases, we are saying goodbye to Robyn Bergeron as Fedora Project Leader, and welcoming a long-time community member as our newest advocate: Matthew Miller.
Having spent 15 years as a systems administrator at large universities, Matthew joined Red Hat in 2012 and works on the platform architect team, mostly focusing on Fedora Cloud. An early contributor to the Fedora Legacy project, Matthew also founded and lead Boston University’s BU Linux distribution and helped organize some of the first FUDCons in Boston, also at Boston University.
As a a member of the the Fedora Project community, Matthew is heavily involved in the Cloud SIG and also serves on FESCo, Fedora’s technical steering committee. Perhaps most importantly, Matthew has an active role in coordinating the effort, making him the perfect candidate to continue driving Fedora forward, beyond the desktop, as a cutting-edge Linux distribution.
Thank you to Robyn for her successful commitment to Fedora and welcome Matthew!



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