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Hey everyone, I'm Charlotte M. Ellett, and I joined the OpenShift team this year as a Developer Evangelist!

Me at the famous 11'8" bridge in North Carolina. Me at the famous 11'8" bridge in North Carolina.

I'm excited to do a lot of interesting stuff with OpenShift as a .NET user, and to show you how you can, too. I'll write some about future blog posts that you can look forward to in the coming weeks, but first, a little introduction.

I'm coming to this team as a game developer who sees a lot of potential in OpenShift containers for game makers and studios, big and small.

Some Previous Work

You can take a look at Pixel: ru² on Steam, a game that I'm working on with C63 Industries using C/C++/CLI/C#. What I most like about this project is that it's a game that programmers tend to get into, because of the variety of puzzle mechanics, and the level editor that includes a logic system.

Through our work on games, we also developed tools for developers, such as, a (nearly) universal library that allows software to support integrated control of many different RGB LED peripherals, such as Phillips Hue light bulbs.

With all of this, what I may be best known for is bringing my moving Train Computer to conventions as a demo machine for projects that I'm working on. It now has a friend: the Yacht. They're an unstoppable power couple that's been a big hit at PAX.

I've done talks at a few different conventions about topics like getting started in game development, and did a talk at the Southern Interactive Entertainment & Game Expo (SIEGE) about working on educational games, such as ones done for SMALLab.

I'm helping to organize the Huntsville International Game Developers Association (IGDA), a forming community for game developers in North Alabama, as well as the Huntsville chapter of Women Who Code (WWCode), to bring together women in tech.

You can find me on most places as @Charlaxy, such as Twitter and GitHub. Or hell, add me on Steam if you want.

In the real world, you can meet me at events like GDC, PAX East, PAX Dev, and PAX West, where I'll be meeting game developers and showing off some stuff.


What's Next

Here's the kind of content that you can expect to see soon from my blog posts:

  • Getting started on OpenShift Developer Preview (OSDP)
  • Getting an example .NET app running on OSDP
  • Using SQL Server on OSDP
  • Putting together your SQL Server and .NET app on OSDP

My goal is to show why you as a .NET user or game developer should care about OpenShift as a container platform.

Happy OpenShifting!



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