Learning how to deploy virtual machines in a public, private or hybrid cloud using Red Hat CloudForms just became simpler thanks to Deploying Systems in Cloud Environments (CL260), a new course from Red Hat Training. Intended for IT professionals with Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA)-level skills and knowledge, Deploying Systems in Cloud Environments will guide both those seeking to install, access and configure systems for the first time in cloud environments, as well as organizations that already have a cloud deployment and want to expand to other private or public clouds.
Red Hat CloudForms is an open hybrid cloud management platform built to enable enterprises to create and manage Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) hybrid clouds with the ability to make self-service computing resources available to users in a managed, governed and secure way. The solution became generally available from Red Hat in early June 2012.
In the Deploying Systems in Cloud Environments course, system and virtual machine administrators will learn to prepare and deploy virtual machines across a multitude of platforms, including Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, Amazon EC2 and VMware vSphere. Students will also learn to configure CloudForms’ Systems Engine, Cloud Engine and Configuration Server to:
• Provide software repositories and application blueprints
• Provide post-boot configuration
• Provide access to system engine when system engine is behind a network address translation (NAT) firewall
• Manage machines in a private cloud, then transition to a public cloud to deploy machines in a hybrid cloud
• Deploy multi-instance applications using Configuration Server
Deploying Systems in Cloud Environments is a four-day classroom course that is also available for team onsites. Learn more at http://www.redhat.com/training/courses/cl260/.
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