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We all love the latest technologies. it's as if our DNA is wired to constantly chase the next shiny thing. So this week we look ahead at what the trends will be in Kubernetes for CY2018. Some of these are the new shiny things - like Service Mesh (e.g. Istio) or Serverless. Others topics look at how the Kubernetes community is evolving to deliver more manageable services (e.g. automating Operations). Finally we look the breadth of activities that are starting to evolve around the developer experience with OpenShift - lots of projects at various levels of maturity.

The goal of this show is to give the listeners a sense of where the Kubernetes community is focused on stability vs. innovation vs. experimentation.

The show will always be available on this blog (search: #PodCTL), as well as RSS FeedsiTunesGoogle PlayStitcherTuneIn and all your favorite podcast players.



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