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We are excited to join many of our colleagues from the storage, middleware, and big data community for Strata Conference + Hadoop World next week. We’re enjoying the buzz leading into the event and look forward to kicking things off in New York City on October 28.

Red Hat believes enterprises can turn big data into actionable information by making all data available for analysis. With the three types of big data – business-, machine-, and human-generated data – many enterprise use cases we see involve processing and integration of existing systems with Hadoop to gain deeper insights. As a result, customers utilize data virtualization, high-speed messaging, and data grid to capture, process, and integrate the data for analysis. To accomplish all this, enterprises need an application platform that combines standards-based Hadoop integration and versatile storage capabilities that support a broad range of enterprise analytics. Red Hat provides such a platform based on robust, open source community innovation that helps customers turn big data into actionable information.

We’ll be in booth #4 during the event and would enjoy seeing you. Stop by to learn more about Red Hat’s big data solutions and see a demo of Hadoop integration with existing data with Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization, Red Hat Storage, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Also, join Red Hat’s Greg Kleiman, director of strategy, Storage, and Syed Rasheed, senior principal product marketing manager, Middleware, on Tuesday, Oct. 28, in a session on Red Hat Solutions for Real-world Big Data. Greg and Syed will talk about several customer deployment scenarios and successes using Red Hat solutions that help harness big data from a multitude of sources and turn it into actionable business information.

Full conference and registration details are available at Hope to see you there!



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