Today, at AWS re:Invent, Amazon Web Services introduced a new service called AWS Config. We’re happy to share the news that we’ve been working with Amazon Web Services over the last couple of months to add support for AWS Config to ManageIQ, and that the code for this has been submitted to the ManageIQ open source project today.
The ManageIQ open source project is a community where Red Hat and its partners jointly innovate on the world's most advanced open source management platform. Periodically, Red Hat takes the software from the ManageIQ project, hardens and certifies it, and then makes it available as part of the Red Hat CloudForms open hybrid cloud management solution.
The AWS Config service enables CloudForms to get near real-time notifications of changes to any of the resources in a customer's AWS account. These notifications enable the CloudForms control and automation engines to apply policy, check compliance and initiate remediation if necessary. This level of control has been available to CloudForms customers that are managing virtualization and private clouds for a long time and with the new AWS Config service this control is now also available for public cloud deployments running on AWS.
When we talk to customers, governance and compliance of public cloud deployements is one of the first things they mention. In fact, according to a recent GigaOM Research study on public cloud deployment success, “change management and cloud governance are becoming more commonplace,” with 63 percent of survey respondents indicating that cloud governance approaches, processes, and policies will likely be widely accepted by the IT organization. With the new AWS Config, that desired end state is now one step closer.
Check out this video with my colleague Brad Ascar demonstrating support for the new AWS Config service in CloudForms.
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