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Today, Red Hat Exchange (RHX) is welcoming three new partners to the program: Colosa, Inc., Continuent Inc. and Likewise Software. Each of these partners provides applications which broaden the current scope of the RHX software categories. Colosa, Inc., developer of ProcessMaker, brings open source workflow and business process management, while Continuent offers a multi-master approach to database replication. And because today’s IT environments are heterogeneous, we’ve added Likewise, which enables the integration of Linux, UNIX and Mac systems into Microsoft’s Active Directory. Visit to see our new partners and to find other trusted software solutions, powered by open source.


ProcessMaker and RHX team up to make workflow a breeze.

These are exciting times for ProcessMaker business process management software. We’re proud to be the newest member of the Red Hat Exchange (RHX). ProcessMaker aims to virtually eliminate paperwork through its flexible, extensible, user-friendly workflow management suite. Thanks to RHX, we can now offer enterprises an even easier way to automate workflow and improve business processes.

RHX and ProcessMaker are a great fit; we both help enterprises improve efficiency and simplify operations. Less resources spent on IT management frees up valuable time and energy for SMEs to concentrate on doing business, and that appeals right to our BPM sensibilities. Thanks to streamlined installation and support, RHX makes adopting open source software like ProcessMaker easier.

ProcessMaker shares RHX’s fundamental belief that business software does not operate in a vacuum, and systems work best when treated as a whole. ProcessMaker recently launched a mashup with popular document management software KnowledgeTree (learn more in our wiki) and so far the user feedback we’ve gotten has been phenomenal. Community-leveraged solutions are the way to go, as our experience has shown us.

That’s why ProcessMaker is glad to be a part of RHX’s comprehensive umbrella based around open source enterprise applications. RHX provides clients with added security and peace of mind through its ecosystem approach to providing world-class support. And that’s the whole idea moving the ProcessMaker community: making business management as easy as possible.

–Contributed by: Brian Reale, CEO, Colosa


Continuent and RHX

Today Continuent teams up with Red Hat Exchange (RHX). Very exciting! Continuent is a leading provider of commercial open source middleware solutions for database high-availability and scalability. We solve daily key challenges facing our customers, including database 7/24 availability, scale-out and data replication and enable our customers to gain optimal business value from their enterprise applications and databases.

As we continually place more dependence on data in the enterprise, Red Hat Exchange (RHX) represents an important step in removing barriers to open source adoption. More and more data is being generated and captured all around us, and the need to store, process and analyze this data increases daily. More and more business live in a demanding 24/7 environment and potentially serve thousands, or in some cases even millions, of users. Database availability and scaling technologies are critical to business as the industry moves forward.

RHX not only helps Continuent to showcase our database scale-out offerings to open source community, but also gives us access to new business models, expanded markets and increased opportunities for sales engagements.

–Contributed by: Eero Teerikorpi, CEO, Continuent


Likewise Joins RHX

Today Bellevue-based Likewise Software teams up with Red Hat Exchange (RHX). Since the launch of our product, Likewise Open, last December, we have been on a wild ride of fast growth with well over 10,000 deployments so far. In addition to joining RHX, Likewise is also being honored as a 2008 Red Hat Innovation Awards finalist in the Enhanced Security category this week at the Red Hat Summit in Boston. We believe this further entrenches Likewise Open in open source with authenticating Red Hat and over 100 other platforms with Active Directory. The Red Hat Innovation Awards are designed to recognize the outstanding use, innovation and extension of Red Hat solutions by customers, partners and the open source community.

The Likewise team is excited to participate in Red Hat’s RHX program. We’ve proven that providing a secure, fast and easy way to accomplish cross-platform authentication by consolidating to a unified directory is a more streamlined approach to identity management than some of the alternatives, such as meta-directories. Since we support 115+ platforms with our solutions, giving customers a direct way to gain access to solutions that have been optimized for Red Hat through the RHX is an excellent way for us to approach customers looking for secure cross-platform authentication.

The combination of Likewise and RHX will help businesses solve challenging interoperability issues that they previously didn’t have the time, money or in-house skills to address.

–Contributed by: Barry Crist, CEO, Likewise Software

Click here for more information on RHX.



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