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Red Hat OpenShift, the industry’s leading enterprise Kubernetes platform with integrated DevOps capabilities, is now certified and supported for the public cloud in addition to bare-metal and VMware vSphere-based deployments, following NVIDIA’s announcement of general availability of NVIDIA AI Enterprise 2.1.

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This latest version of the end-to-end AI and data analytics software suite is optimized, certified, and supported for enterprises to deploy and scale AI applications across bare-metal, virtualized, container, and cloud environments.

The combined power of Red Hat OpenShift and the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software suite running on certified hardware enables organizations to experience a true hybrid cloud platform to help them accelerate development and delivery of  secure applications.

Whether in the public cloud, on-premises or at the edge, Red Hat OpenShift gives you the ability to choose where you build, deploy, and run applications through a consistent experience and with seamless portability, while enjoying the ease of use and access to the latest NVIDIA GPUs that this infrastructure offers.

Try Red Hat OpenShift with NVIDIA AI Enterprise on LaunchPad

Organizations can leverage NVIDIA AI Enterprise running on Red Hat OpenShift to enable MLOps and accelerate the deployment of AI applications. Red Hat is making OpenShift available on NVIDIA LaunchPad, with immediate, short-term access to NVIDIA AI Enterprise running on Red Hat OpenShift.

With NVIDIA LaunchPad, enterprises can speed the development and deployment of modern, data-driven applications and quickly test and prototype their entire AI workflow on the same complete stack.

Get Started with NVIDIA AI and Red Hat Labs  for NVIDIA AI Enterprise 2.1:

  • Optimize AI and Data Science Workloads (Red Hat OpenShift)
  • Train AI Image Classification Models (Red Hat OpenShift)
  • Deploy an End-to-End AI Workload Using a Helm Chart

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