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Agile integration is about integrating everything faster than with traditional methods, preparing you for digital transformation.

Red Hat® Shares is a small collection of insightful stories each month about big IT challenges.

In this issue

Agile integration

  • Digital innovation requires agile integration
  • Customer spotlight: London Borough of Camden Council delivers services faster with collaborative IT
  • The 4 pillars of agile integration
  • Art of Exchange: A new Open Source Stories film
  • More to explore
  • New Red Hat offerings and releases

Did you miss October's newsletter about API strategy? Check it out

From the editor

Most definitions of "agile integration" relate to continuous integration/continuous delivery. But we take an architectural approach to the integration platform. It's about integrating everything faster than with traditional methods, preparing you for digital transformation.

This month, get our take on agile integration, how it's critical to innovation, and how it’s being used successfully by organizations.

What is agile integration?

Digital innovation requires agile integration

New IT and business challenges are making enterprise integration even more important. There's a better way to address them all: agile integration strategies.

Dig a little deeper

Customer spotlight

London Borough of Camden Council delivers services faster with collaborative IT

Camden Council used an agile integration approach to create an integrated IT environment. Now the council can deliver services faster and give its citizens an ideal online self-service experience.

See how they did it

The 4 pillars of agile integration

Experts at Red Hat Summit 2017 explain the key components behind agile integration and why they’re important.

Parts of the sum

Art of Exchange: A new Open Source Stories film

By creating a space for open exchange, the Tate Modern is breaking down expectations of what a 21st-century museum is.

Watch the film

More to explore


The Red Hat Shares team comprises content strategists who work with lots of smart subject matter experts. Together, we curate content on emerging tech topics your enterprise needs to learn about to stay competitive.

Read full bio

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