Another cycle, another OpenStack Summit, this time on October 27-30 in Tokyo. The Summit is the best opportunity for the community to gather and share knowledge, stories and strategies to move OpenStack forward. With more than 200 breakout sessions, hands-on workshops, collaborative design sessions, tons of opportunity for networking and perhaps even some sightseeing, the Summit is the even everyone working or planning to work with OpenStack should attend.
Critical subjects, awesome sessions
To select those 200+ sessions the community proposes talks that are selected by your vote, and we would like to showcase our proposed sessions about some of the most critical subjects of an OpenStack cloud: deployment, management and metering/monitoring.
There are multiple ways to deploy, manage and monitor clouds, but we would like to present our contributions to the topic, sharing both code and vision to tackle this subject now and in the future. With sessions about TripleO, Heat, Ironic, Puppet, Ceilometer, Gnocchi and troubleshooting, we'll cover the whole lifecycle of OpenStack, from planning a deployment, to actually executing and then monitoring and maintaining it on the long term. Click on the links below to read the abstracts and vote your the topics you want to see in Tokyo.
Deployment and Management
OpenStack on OpenStack (TripleO): First They Ignore You.. |
Installers are dead, deploying our bits is a continuous process |
TripleO: Beyond the Basic Openstack Deployment |
Troubleshoot Your Next Open Source Deployment |
Advantages and Challenges of Deploying OpenStack with Puppet |
Cloud Automation: Deploying and Managing OpenStack with Heat |
Hands-on lab: Deploying Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform |
TripleO and Heat for Operators: Bringing the values of Openstack to Openstack Management |
The omniscient cloud: How to know all the things with bare-metal inspection for Ironic |
Troubleshooting A Highly Available Openstack Deployment. |
Tuning HA OpenStack Deployments to Maximize Hardware Capabilities |
OpenStack for Architects |
A Day in the Life of an Openstack & Cloud Architect |
Cinder Always On! Reliability and scalability - Liberty and beyond |
Metering and Monitoring
Storing metrics at scale with Gnocchi, triggering with Aodh |
Steve Gordon is senior director of Product Management at Red Hat
Ricerca per canale
Novità sull'automazione IT di tecnologie, team e ambienti
Intelligenza artificiale
Aggiornamenti sulle piattaforme che consentono alle aziende di eseguire carichi di lavoro IA ovunque
Hybrid cloud open source
Scopri come affrontare il futuro in modo più agile grazie al cloud ibrido
Le ultime novità sulle nostre soluzioni per ridurre i rischi nelle tecnologie e negli ambienti
Edge computing
Aggiornamenti sulle piattaforme che semplificano l'operatività edge
Le ultime novità sulla piattaforma Linux aziendale leader a livello mondiale
Approfondimenti sulle nostre soluzioni alle sfide applicative più difficili
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