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About your host
Saron Yitbarek is a developer and the founder of CodeNewbie, the most supportive community of programmers and people learning to code. She hosts 2 other fantastic shows: CodeNewbie Podcast and Base.cs Podcast.
Meet Saron
Staff favorites
Season 1, OS wars_part 1

Season 1, OS wars_part 1
It feels good to start at the beginning. Especially when the beginning is a dating game hosted by Steve Jobs.
Season 2, Fail better

Season 2, Fail better
I love how this episode celebrates events we’re conditioned to fear—and shows how success often comes from stumbles.
Season 4, Smarter Phones

Season 4, Smarter Phones
A truly fascinating story about a product just ahead of its time, told by the team that laid so much of the groundwork for the defining technology of the 21st century—smartphones.
Beyond the podcast
Practice what you learn from the podcast. Help build open source games inspired by Command Line Heroes—all done the open source way. Play for free, share your thoughts, and contribute anything from code to design.
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