Stay Competitive, Be Agile. Easily Scale Your Apps and Data Services.
Today, companies are required to stay competitive and innovative to support the rapid delivery of new applications and services through modernising their IT Infrastructure.
Keeping your business innovative and competitive means keeping it agile, which demands IT scaling. Intel and Red Hat have the solution to help you with that.
Intel and Red Hat
Intel and Red Hat truly believe in initiatives that help accelerate digital transformation. To help enterprises modernize the data center and start taking advantage of containers, Red Hat and Intel have co-developed Intel® Select Solutions for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. These solutions are optimized to run on-cloud, on-premises, private container platforms that are customizable and fully interoperable with existing infrastructure and environments.
In this era of digital transformation, data volumes are exploding while performance requirements escalate. Data pipelines and data access are increasingly complex. To keep up, your containerized apps must more quickly serve up data. But you don’t have time to evaluate and test various combinations of hardware and software to determine if they meet your data services’ needs. You just need your data services to work—on premises, in the cloud, or across multiple clouds.
Intel recently launched "Ice Lake," its new third-generation Xeon Scalable processor. The 10 nanometer-based CPU, delivering up to 40 cores per processor, is the foundation for Intel's data center platform. The chip is designed for workloads spanning a range of markets, from the cloud to the network and the edge. Learn more on how wonderful gets done: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/events/how-wonderful-gets-done/partners/redhat.html
Intel® Select Solutions
Intel® Select Solutions are verified hardware and software stacks that are optimized for specific software workloads. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is one of the leading security-enabled, comprehensive enterprise-grade container-application platforms available.
Therefore, Intel® Select Solutions for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform not only helps to optimize price/performance but also reduce infrastructure evaluation time so enterprises can drive digital transformation through agile DevOps.
Manage workloads
on OpenShift
Do you have special workloads on OpenShift?
Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory is an innovative memory technology that delivers a unique combination of affordable large capacity and support for data persistence.
Intel and Red Hat have co-developed workload-optimized data node configurations for Red Hat® OpenShift® Data Foundation, based on Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors and Intel® OptaneTM technology.