How are citizen scientists using open hardware to make groundbreaking discoveries?

From the film

Caren Cooper

Caren Cooper

Associate Professor of Forestry and Environmental Resources

Caren Cooper is an associate professor of Forestry and Environmental Resources and member of the Chancellor's Faculty Excellence Program in Leadership in Public Science at North Carolina State University. She is an advocate for citizen science and open science, and has written a book on these subjects. Caren is also the director of research partnerships at SciStarter, which connects people to citizen science projects, other citizen scientists, and resources.

Meet Caren

Public Lab

Public Lab


Public Lab is a network of environmental advocates—including organizers, researchers, technologists, and educators—working to provide low-cost, open hardware tools for monitoring communities' air, water, and land quality.

Check out Public Lab



Open source solution

AirCasting is an end-to-end open source solution for collecting, displaying, and sharing health and environmental data using smartphones.

Check out AirCasting



Community-based organization

UPROSE promotes sustainability and resiliency in Brooklyn's Sunset Park neighborhood. Founded in 1966, it is Brooklyn's oldest Latino community-based organization.

Learn about UPROSE

Co.Lab light sensing kit

Build a light sensor

Explore how breadboards work, experiment with simple circuits, and build a light sensor of your own with this Co.Lab kit.

Purchase a kit

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Because we had to

Um cortador a laser gigantesco. Um kit de desenvolvimento Arduino. Um hackerspace. Três mulheres que fazem arte com hardwares open source.

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Opening the Loop: Autonomy, Access, and Insulin

Watch the film

Opening the Loop: Autonomy, Access, and Insulin

When diabetics and caregivers needed a better way to manage the illness, they created one―with open source. This is their story.

Watch the film

Imagem O Futuro do Livro Didático

Livros didáticos caros sobrecarregam os estudantes em faculdades e universidades comunitárias. Conheça as pessoas que estão criando uma alternativa open source.

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