Platform-as-a-service makes deploying applications to cloud fast and easy. But, to get the most out of the OpenShift PaaS, it helps to stay abreast of the interesting technical issues plus their workarounds and solutions. We've made this easy with a weekly tips and tricks blog.
Tips on how to get 'rhc domain status' working correctly on Windows
"rhc domain status" will check your rhc, git and ssh environment for configuration errors, however, it may throw error when used with cygwin. Here's a KB Article that has some tips to avoid false errors on Windows7 and Cygwin client environments.Platform-as-a-service makes deploying applications to cloud fast and easy. But, to get the most out of the OpenShift PaaS, it helps to stay abreast of the interesting technical issues plus their workarounds and solutions. We've made this easy with a weekly tips and tricks blog.
Tips on how to get 'rhc domain status' working correctly on Windows
"rhc domain status" will check your rhc, git and ssh environment for configuration errors, however, it may throw error when used with cygwin. Here's a KB Article that has some tips to avoid false errors on Windows7 and Cygwin client environments.
Tips on how to run the rhc client tools without having to re-enter your password
Here's a KB Article with instructions on how to avoid re-entering your password when using the rhc client tools. Please note that you don't want to use this method when on a shared/multi-user client as the password will show up in the process list.
Tips on how to reset your Jenkins password in case you lose your post-it notes
OpenShift doesn't store your Jenkins user password in an environment variable like it does for embedded databases. So if you didn't write it down when creating it, or you lost the post-it note on which you wrote it down, you can change it with this KB Article
Tips for hosting your own PaaS
We get this question a lot. You can install the liveCD locally, or build-your-own-paas anywhere you can run RHEL.
Tips on how to do port forwarding for scalable apps
Here's a forum thread that goes over tips on how to forward your db gear's db port to your client.
Tips on how to run[Magento on OpenShift
There is a lot of interest in running Magento on OpenShift. This forum thread goes over some common issues in the setup process.
Special thanks to all Community users who helped report these issues on IRC, Forums and the mailing list. Without you, we won't know what we have to fix nor how we can improve. So please keep the questions coming!!
Thank you!
Nam Duong - Customer Enablement
Product Marketing Manager
OpenShift | PaaS by Red Hat
Twitter: @openshift, @NamDuong_rh
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