This post teaches you to create a simple Hello World .Net 5 application and run it on a local instance of Red Hat OpenShift AKA Code Ready Containers. See how easy it is to get started with development on OpenShift. OpenShift supports many languages and you can easily bring your .Net code to the world of containers and Kubernetes with OpenShift.
Updated 19 May 2021
Pre-req .Net 5 SDK
- Note: I'm using a Mac for this example.
- Download and install .Net 5 SDK for your OS.
- Note: For this tutorial I used Microsoft's installation package for SDK 5.0.203
Install the .Net SDK per the instructions for your OS
Test your .Net SDK installation
% dotnet --version
Install Red Hat CodeReady Containers
- Download the Red Hat CodeReady Container (CRC) for you OS here Create an OpenShift cluster
- Chose the "local" tab and select your OS.
- After you download CRC, click the Download pull secret
- After you download the code run the installer. The latest release of CRC takes care of installing CRC for you.
Prep your CodeReady Containers environment
After installing CRC, we will do the rest of the work on the command line. On the Mac open a Terminal window. I placed the pull secret in my home Documents folder in a folder I labeled crc. On the Mac or Linux it might look like this: ~/Documents/crc
% cp pull-secret\(1\) ~/Documents/crc/pull-secret.txt
Check the CRC version. As of 5/18/2021 the latest release was 1.26 with OpenShift 4.7.9
% crc version
CodeReady Containers version: 1.26.0+31f06c09
OpenShift version: 4.7.8 (not embedded in executable) -
Run the setup command to download the CRC bundle and prep your environment. This typically takes a few mintues.
% crc setup
<output omitted>
Start up CRC
Start up crc an include the pull secret you previously downloaded
% crc start -p ~/Documents/crc/pull-secret.txt
Depending on your hardware, it make several minutes for CRC to startup. Be sure to copy the login information that is displayed on the console after starting CRC. See example output below.
Started the OpenShift cluster.
The server is accessible via web console at:
Log in as administrator:
Username: kubeadmin
Password: TDjTx-BwDqi-vDvqA-VAxJz
Log in as user:
Username: developer
Password: developer
Use the 'oc' command line interface:
$ eval $(crc oc-env)
$ oc login -u developer https://api.crc.testing:6443
Create a sample Hello World .Net web app
Now let's create our sample .Net application. Chose a directory wher you would like to store your sample appication. I created my sample Hello World .Net web app in a directory called projects
% dotnet new webApp -o myWebApp --no-https
When the sample app code has finished generating change into the applicaiton's directory and start up the applicaiton.
% cd myWebApp
% dotnet run -
The app starts up quickly and is ready to test when Contentr root path:... on the treminal screend. Follow the instructions to access the application via a browser.
The URL for the app is likely: http://localhost:5000
- When you are finished type Ctrl-c from the terminal window to stop server.
Modify the .Net code
Let's change the "Welcome" message to "Welcome from OpenShift Container Platform!".
Navigate to the Pages directory under your project.
% cd Pages
In the Pages directory open the file titled Index.cshtml with your favorite editor.
% nano Index.cshtml
Change the following line:
<h1 class="display-4">Welcome</h1>
<h1 class="display-4">Welcome to OpenShift Container Platform!</h1>
My file looked like this...
@model IndexModel
ViewData["Title"] = "Home page";
<div class="text-center">
<h1 class="display-4">Welcome to OpenShift Container Platform</h1>
<p>Learn about <a href="">building Web apps with ASP.NET Core</a>.</p>
Go back to the "root" of your project folder and rerun the application to see the changed message
% cd ..
% dotnet run
- When finished type Ctrl-c in the terminal window to stop the server.
Prep app for OpenShift
Use the following command to make the .Net app ready for the OpenShift build and deploy process. The dotnet publish command preps the applicaiton for deployment storing the artifacts in a folder. The -f swith sets the framework to .Net 5.0 and -c switch defines the build configuration
% cd ..
% dotnet publish myWebApp -f net5.0 -c Release -
You are ready to go when see the statement All projcets are up-to-date.... in the terminal window.
Prep OpenShift for .Net
Login to OpenShift as developerl
% eval $(crc oc-env)
% oc login -u developer https://api.crc.testing:6443 -
To see who you are logged in as type the following
% oc whoami
developer -
Create a new OpenShift project (K8s namespace) for our .Net Welcome application.
% oc new-project my-first-app
You can check the project you are currently in with the following oc command:
% oc get projects
my-first-app Active -
If this is your first .Net project in CRC, then you'll need to add a .Net imagestreams. Imagestreams makes it easy to build and deploy our .Net app in a container and can be used to trigger new deployments when a new image becomes available See links below for more informaton on Imagestreams
% oc create -f
% oc replace -f
Build, Deploy and access your new .Net app
Create a new build configuration. We will use a Red Hat Universal Base Image (ubi8) that includes the .Net 5 SDK and runtimes. UBI containers are OCI-compliant. We are building the app from binary contents.
% oc new-build --name=my-web-app dotnet:5.0-ubi8 --binary=true
--> Found image b264294 (13 days old) in image stream "my-first-app/dotnet" under tag "5.0-ubi8" for "dotnet:5.0-ubi8"
.NET 5
Platform for building and running .NET 5 applications
Tags: builder, .net, dotnet, dotnetcore, dotnet-50
* A source build using binary input will be created
* The resulting image will be pushed to image stream tag "my-web-app:latest"
* A binary build was created, use 'oc start-build --from-dir' to trigger a new build
--> Creating resources with label build=my-web-app ... "my-web-app" created "my-web-app" created
--> Success
Start the build and specify the path to the binary artifacts in .Net project (I'm at the "root" of my project folder myWebApp).
% oc start-build my-web-app --from-dir=bin/Release/net5.0/publish
Uploading directory "bin/Release/net5.0/publish" as binary input for the build ...
Uploading finished started
You can also check the logs to see if the build is completed.
% oc logs -f bc/my-web-app
Create our new application on OpenShift.
% oc new-app my-web-app
--> Found image 4dff9a4 (10 minutes old) in image stream "my-first-app/my-web-app" under tag "latest" for "my-web-app"
.NET 5
Platform for building and running .NET 5 applications
Tags: builder, .net, dotnet, dotnetcore, dotnet-50
--> Creating resources ...
deployment.apps "my-web-app" created
service "my-web-app" created
--> Success
Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
'oc expose service/my-web-app'
Run 'oc status' to view your app.
You can check the status of your app.
% oc status
In project my-first-app on server https://api.crc.testing:6443
svc/my-web-app -
deployment/my-web-app deploys istag/my-web-app:latest <-
bc/my-web-app source builds uploaded code on istag/dotnet:5.0-ubi8
deployment #2 running for 46 seconds - 1 pod
deployment #1 deployed 46 seconds ago
1 info identified, use 'oc status --suggest' to see details.
- At this point we can log into the OpenShift console and see our application.
- Click on the Topology tab on the left side and the click the my-web-app project link.
- Hover over the app icon and click on the blue arrow to see more detail about our application. Notice there is no route defined to get to our application. A service is created when we created a new application, but we need to expose that service via a route to access our application from outside the OpenShift cluster
Back at the command line let's make our app available to the outside world.
% oc expose service/my-web-app exposed -
Get the the URL to your app.
# oc status
In project my-first-app on server https://api.crc.testing:6443
http://my-web-app-my-first-app.apps-crc.testing to pod port 8080-tcp (svc/my-web-app)
deployment/my-web-app deploys istag/my-web-app:latest <-
bc/my-web-app source builds uploaded code on istag/dotnet:5.0-ubi8
deployment #2 running for 8 minutes - 1 pod
deployment #1 deployed 8 minutes ago
1 info identified, use 'oc status --suggest' to see details.
- Back at the OpenShift console we now see our app is available to the outside world. You can click on the link in the Routes section to access your application.
Access the OpenShift console to see your project and app
- No we can see our application running on OpenShift. My URL looked like this: https://console-openshift-console.apps-crc.testing
Paul Lucas is a Chicagoland-based Red Hat Solutions Architect working with a variety of enterprise businesses. A 21 year technical sales veteran, Paul was previously a customer working at a benefits consulting firm, where he advised development teams on the use of Java and the then-emerging Java EE.
我们是世界领先的企业开源解决方案供应商,提供包括 Linux、云、容器和 Kubernetes。我们致力于提供经过安全强化的解决方案,从核心数据中心到网络边缘,让企业能够更轻松地跨平台和环境运营。