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Red Hat® Shares covered a lot of technology stories in 2018. Which were most popular with our subscribers? Check out the top-10 list―plus some bonus pieces for your end-of-year enjoyment.

The Red Hat Shares newsletter helps IT leaders navigate the complicated world of IT―the open source way.




Year of the cloud

With less than a month left in 2018, holiday celebrations are ramping up for many of us around the world. Before our brains shift from responsibility to relaxation mode, check out our annual list of the most popular Red Hat® Shares stories of the year. (Spoiler alert: Half are cloud-related.)

Plus, learn how open source software can help your organization succeed, how UNICEF and Red Hat are using software for good, and how becoming CEO of Red Hat turned Jim Whitehurst’s world upside down.

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Top 10 most popular Red Hat Shares stories of 2018

The why, what, and how of the open hybrid cloud

Red Hat at 25: Thank you for 25 years

What's business automation?

Understanding cloud-native applications

25 things that are better because of Linux® (and open source)

Public cloud vs. private cloud (and also hybrid cloud)

E-book: The path to cloud-native applications

Free book download: The Open Organization Guide to IT Culture Change

25 things you should know about Red Hat

Cloud-native training course: Developing Cloud-Native Applications with Microservices Architectures

Did some Red Hat Shares newsletters get lost in your inbox?


6 reasons for making the open source argument

Proven ways the open source software market can help you succeed, especially if you’re implementing DevOps.

Meet Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Beta


Red Hat CEO: What I learned from giving up everything I knew as a leader

In a recent TED Talk, self-described “recovering know-it-all CEO” Jim Whitehurst says he thought Red Hat hired him to change the most bizarre behavior he’s ever seen in a company. Instead, it changed him.



UNICEF, Red Hat, and software for social good

UNICEF’s ambitious project to map schools on a global scale took shape in an 8-week Red Hat Open Innovation Labs residency. See how the proof of concept came to life.


Command Line Heroes podcast, season 2

(Perfect for holiday binge-listening.)



Did you miss our previous issue on cloud-native application development? Check it out.


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The Red Hat Shares team comprises content strategists who work with lots of smart subject matter experts. Together, we curate content on emerging tech topics your enterprise needs to learn about to stay competitive.

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